Push on dev #73
reviewdog [misspell] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (6)
augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py|287 col 22| "Reviewr" is a misspelling of "Reviewer"
augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py|440 col 41| "reponse" is a misspelling of "response"
augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py|276 col 36| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py|303 col 60| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|116 col 72| "respository" is a misspelling of "repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|119 col 73| "respository" is a misspelling of "repository"
Filtered Findings (181)
Makefile|98 col 128| "applicaton" is a misspelling of "application"
scripts/docker/docker-setup-database.sh|16 col 60| "enviroment" is a misspelling of "environment"
scripts/docker/docker-setup-external.sh|37 col 62| "enviroment" is a misspelling of "environment"
tox.ini|24 col 11| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tox.ini|24 col 56| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
augur/tasks/github/repo_info/core.py|223 col 46| "seperate" is a misspelling of "separate"
augur/tasks/github/facade_github/contributor_interfaceable/contributor_interface.py|159 col 59| "truely" is a misspelling of "truly"
augur/tasks/github/issues/tasks.py|80 col 25| "documenation" is a misspelling of "documentation"
augur/tasks/github/issues/tasks.py|164 col 21| "gloablly" is a misspelling of "globally"
augur/tasks/github/pull_requests/core.py|99 col 14| "dictionairy" is a misspelling of "dictionary"
augur/tasks/github/pull_requests/tasks.py|95 col 18| "gloablly" is a misspelling of "globally"
augur/tasks/github/util/github_paginator.py|499 col 36| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/tasks/github/util/github_paginator.py|526 col 60| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/tasks/github/util/gh_graphql_entities.py|352 col 39| "paramters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/tasks/git/dependency_tasks/core.py|20 col 42| "Repostiory" is a misspelling of "Repository"
augur/tasks/git/dependency_tasks/core.py|64 col 37| "Repostiory" is a misspelling of "Repository"
augur/tasks/git/scc_value_tasks/core.py|19 col 47| "Repostiory" is a misspelling of "Repository"
augur/tasks/git/dependency_libyear_tasks/core.py|41 col 42| "Repostiory" is a misspelling of "Repository"
augur/tasks/git/dependency_libyear_tasks/libyear_util/npm_libyear_utils.py|17 col 36| "seperated" is a misspelling of "separated"
augur/tasks/git/facade_tasks.py|163 col 8| "absoulte" is a misspelling of "absolute"
augur/tasks/git/facade_tasks.py|164 col 23| "absoulte" is a misspelling of "absolute"
augur/tasks/git/facade_tasks.py|239 col 8| "absoulte" is a misspelling of "absolute"
augur/tasks/git/facade_tasks.py|240 col 23| "absoulte" is a misspelling of "absolute"
augur/tasks/git/facade_tasks.py|261 col 8| "absoulte" is a misspelling of "absolute"
augur/tasks/git/facade_tasks.py|262 col 23| "absoulte" is a misspelling of "absolute"
augur/tasks/git/util/facade_worker/facade_worker/utilitymethods.py|245 col 34| "betwen" is a misspelling of "between"
augur/tasks/git/util/facade_worker/facade_worker/excel_generators/example.py|100 col 49| "statment" is a misspelling of "statement"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/contributor_breadth_worker/setup.py|22 col 66| "contirbuted" is a misspelling of "contributed"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/message_insights/tasks.py|275 col 38| "analysed" is a misspelling of "analyzed"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|161 col 10| "Categorise" is a misspelling of "Categorize"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|574 col 27| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|592 col 27| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|635 col 39| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|651 col 19| "inisghts" is a misspelling of "insights"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|668 col 12| "psuedo" is a misspelling of "pseudo"
augur/tasks/data_analysis/insight_worker/tasks.py|689 col 31| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|1562 col 96| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|1695 col 97| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|2188 col 154| "issueing" is a misspelling of "issuing"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|2946 col 72| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|2953 col 81| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|2960 col 80| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|6598 col 10| "Licence" is a misspelling of "License"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|8831 col 9| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
docker/database/augur-new-schema.sql|8834 col 13| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/api/routes/README.md|47 col 8| "casues" is a misspelling of "causes"
augur/api/server.py|129 col 54| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/api/server.py|234 col 39| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/api/server.py|255 col 28| "funcitons" is a misspelling of "functions"
augur/api/server.py|273 col 21| "strucutre" is a misspelling of "structure"
augur/api/server.py|275 col 60| "registerred" is a misspelling of "registered"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|302 col 4| "inlcuding" is a misspelling of "including"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|518 col 18| "pallete" is a misspelling of "palette"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|599 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|780 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|972 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1037 col 18| "pallete" is a misspelling of "palette"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1271 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1435 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1489 col 18| "pallete" is a misspelling of "palette"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1558 col 50| "reponse" is a misspelling of "response"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1570 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1759 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1826 col 6| "defualt" is a misspelling of "default"
augur/api/routes/pull_request_reports.py|1902 col 42| "Orgin" is a misspelling of "Origin"
augur/api/routes/contributor_reports.py|416 col 58| "contirbution" is a misspelling of "contribution"
augur/api/metrics/pull_request.py|293 col 33| "reivews" is a misspelling of "reviews"
augur/api/metrics/pull_request.py|625 col 39| "beteen" is a misspelling of "between"
augur/api/metrics/pull_request.py|1007 col 33| "reponse" is a misspelling of "response"
augur/api/metrics/README.md|6 col 83| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/api/metrics/README.md|6 col 165| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/api/metrics/README.md|25 col 73| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/api/metrics/README.md|38 col 58| "strucutre" is a misspelling of "structure"
augur/api/metrics/README.md|42 col 129| "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
augur/api/metrics/README.md|51 col 8| "casues" is a misspelling of "causes"
augur/api/metrics/repo_meta.py|916 col 63| "occuring" is a misspelling of "occurring"
augur/static/css/dashboard.css|51 col 36| "Customise" is a misspelling of "Customize"
augur/application/logs.py|83 col 60| "thigns" is a misspelling of "things"
augur/application/logs.py|144 col 58| "seperate" is a misspelling of "separate"
augur/application/logs.py|161 col 21| "seperate" is a misspelling of "separate"
augur/application/logs.py|165 col 33| "seperate" is a misspelling of "separate"
augur/application/cli/config.py|118 col 27| "recieve" is a misspelling of "receive"
augur/application/cli/config.py|143 col 31| "recieve" is a misspelling of "receive"
augur/application/cli/config.py|226 col 31| "recieve" is a misspelling of "receive"
augur/application/cli/backend.py|158 col 33| "procesess" is a misspelling of "processes"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|1232 col 15| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|1882 col 51| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|1883 col 61| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|1884 col 59| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|2662 col 49| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|2704 col 49| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data.py|3189 col 102| "issueing" is a misspelling of "issuing"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|155 col 14| "foriegn" is a misspelling of "foreign"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|233 col 17| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|1184 col 51| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|1246 col 51| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|2294 col 55| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|2295 col 63| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/db/models/augur_data_old.py|2296 col 63| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|1321 col 14| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|2163 col 102| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|2204 col 103| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|2416 col 160| "issueing" is a misspelling of "issuing"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|2897 col 78| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|2898 col 87| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/alembic/versions/legacy/80.2-create-tables.sql|2899 col 86| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/augur_full.sql|5446 col 10| "Licence" is a misspelling of "License"
augur/application/schema/augur_full.sql|7532 col 9| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/schema/augur_full.sql|7535 col 13| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/log_analysis/http/http_server.py|62 col 16| "lenght" is a misspelling of "length"
augur/application/log_analysis/http/http_server.py|63 col 46| "lenght" is a misspelling of "length"
augur/util/inspect_without_import.py|8 col 64| "seperate" is a misspelling of "separate"
augur/util/repo_load_controller.py|142 col 66| "postive" is a misspelling of "positive"
CONTRIBUTING.md|60| "Remeber" is a misspelling of "Remember"
.docker-setup.sh|11 col 64| "convienient" is a misspelling of "convenient"
.docker-setup.sh|15 col 54| "enviroment" is a misspelling of "environment"
.pylintrc|18 col 2| "Analyse" is a misspelling of "Analyze"
.pylintrc|20 col 70| "analysed" is a misspelling of "analyzed"
.pylintrc|21| "analyse" is a misspelling of "analyze"
docs/source/docker/docker.rst|31 col 92| "enviroment" is a misspelling of "environment"
docs/source/docker/quick-start.rst|33 col 41| "enviroment" is a misspelling of "environment"
docs/source/deployment/nginx-configuration.rst|200 col 301| "accomodate" is a misspelling of "accommodate"
docs/source/getting-started/new-install.rst|26 col 55| "infrastrucutre" is a misspelling of "infrastructure"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4714 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4749 col 93| "contributons" is a misspelling of "contributors"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4775 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4810 col 93| "contributons" is a misspelling of "contributors"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4836 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4864 col 93| "contributons" is a misspelling of "contributors"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4890 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4925 col 93| "contributons" is a misspelling of "contributors"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4951 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|4991 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5031 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5071 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5111 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5151 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5198 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5238 col 23| "Reposity" is a misspelling of "Repository"
docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml|5571 col 58| "assocaited" is a misspelling of "associated"
docs/source/getting-started/dev-osx-install.rst|64 col 55| "infrastrucutre" is a misspelling of "infrastructure"
docs/source/getting-started/frontend.rst|4 col 127| "folowing" is a misspelling of "following"
docs/source/development-guide/create-a-metric/api-development.rst|93 col 24| "ommitted" is a misspelling of "omitted"
docs/source/development-guide/create-a-metric/api-development.rst|93 col 42| "ommitted" is a misspelling of "omitted"
docs/source/development-guide/create-a-metric/api-development.rst|124 col 24| "ommitted" is a misspelling of "omitted"
docs/source/development-guide/create-a-metric/api-development.rst|124 col 42| "ommitted" is a misspelling of "omitted"
docs/source/getting-started/collecting-data.rst|67 col 190| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
docs/source/development-guide/workers/insight_worker.rst|27 col 191| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
docs/source/development-guide/workers/insight_worker.rst|109 col 35| "acheive" is a misspelling of "achieve"
tests/test_workers/worker_persistance/util_persistance.py|11 col 47| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/worker_persistance/util_persistance.py|21 col 47| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/worker_persistance/util_persistance.py|31 col 47| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/worker_persistance/util_persistance.py|42 col 47| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/worker_persistance/test_enrich_data_primary_keys.py|3 col 48| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/worker_persistance/test_enrich_cntrb_id.py|2 col 48| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/test_facade/test_facade_contributor_interface/test_endpoints.py|2 col 48| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
tests/test_workers/test_set_up_fixtures.py|103 col 23| "Persistant" is a misspelling of "Persistent"
tests/test_workers/test_set_up_fixtures.py|149 col 70| "persistance" is a misspelling of "persistence"
augur/application/schema/20211006-augur-0.21.0-release.ndm2|15925 col 64| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/schema/20211006-augur-0.21.0-release.ndm2|16729 col 64| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/schema/20211006-augur-0.21.0-release.ndm2|21220 col 117| "issueing" is a misspelling of "issuing"
augur/application/schema/20211006-augur-0.21.0-release.ndm2|28422 col 44| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/20211006-augur-0.21.0-release.ndm2|28452 col 52| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/20211006-augur-0.21.0-release.ndm2|28482 col 48| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|4023 col 29| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|4034 col 32| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|19699 col 64| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|20503 col 64| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|24613 col 117| "issueing" is a misspelling of "issuing"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|31557 col 44| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|31587 col 52| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
augur/application/schema/20210811-augur-0.2.1-release.ndm2|31617 col 48| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
tests/entire_db.sql|2516 col 96| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
tests/entire_db.sql|2649 col 97| "analyses" is a misspelling of "analyzes"
tests/entire_db.sql|3107 col 154| "issueing" is a misspelling of "issuing"
tests/entire_db.sql|3715 col 72| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
tests/entire_db.sql|3722 col 81| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
tests/entire_db.sql|3729 col 80| "dependancy" is a misspelling of "dependency"
tests/entire_db.sql|7552 col 10| "Licence" is a misspelling of "License"
tests/entire_db.sql|9919 col 9| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
tests/entire_db.sql|9922 col 13| "commited" is a misspelling of "committed"
Check failure on line 287 in augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py
github-actions / misspell
[misspell] augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py#L287
"Reviewr" is a misspelling of "Reviewer"
Raw output
./augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py:287:22: "Reviewr" is a misspelling of "Reviewer"
Check failure on line 440 in augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py
github-actions / misspell
[misspell] augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py#L440
"reponse" is a misspelling of "response"
Raw output
./augur/tasks/gitlab/merge_request_task.py:440:41: "reponse" is a misspelling of "response"
Check failure on line 276 in augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py
github-actions / misspell
[misspell] augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py#L276
"paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
Raw output
./augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py:276:36: "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
Check failure on line 303 in augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py
github-actions / misspell
[misspell] augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py#L303
"paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
Raw output
./augur/tasks/gitlab/gitlab_api_handler.py:303:60: "paramaters" is a misspelling of "parameters"
Check failure on line 116 in docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml
github-actions / misspell
[misspell] docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml#L116
"respository" is a misspelling of "repository"
Raw output
./docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml:116:72: "respository" is a misspelling of "repository"
Check failure on line 119 in docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml
github-actions / misspell
[misspell] docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml#L119
"respository" is a misspelling of "repository"
Raw output
./docs/source/rest-api/spec.yml:119:73: "respository" is a misspelling of "repository"