FHIR server resource count exporter for Prometheus.
docker run --rm -it \
-p 9797:9797 \
-e FhirServerUrl="https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4" \
-e FetchIntervalSeconds=60 \
-e FhirServerName="HAPI FHIR Demo Server" \
Open http://localhost:9797/metrics to view the resource counts in Prometheus format:
# HELP fhir_resource_count Number of resources stored within the FHIR server by type.
# TYPE fhir_resource_count gauge
fhir_resource_count{type="Patient", server_name="HAPI FHIR Demo Server"} 124005
fhir_resource_count{type="Condition", server_name="HAPI FHIR Demo Server"} 29282
fhir_resource_count{type="DiagnosticReport", server_name="HAPI FHIR Demo Server"} 36429
The container image is pushed to these registries:
- docker.io/chgl/fhir-server-exporter:v2.3.32
- ghcr.io/chgl/fhir-server-exporter:v2.3.32
Environment Variable | Description | Default value |
FhirServerUrl | The base URL of the FHIR server whose metrics should be exported. E.g. http://localhost:8082/fhir |
"" |
FhirServerName | A friendly name for the server. Included as a server_name label in the fhir_resource_count metric. |
"" |
FetchIntervalSeconds | The number of seconds between consecutive REST requests to the FHIR server to fetch all resource counts. | 30 |
MetricsPort | The local port on which the metrics should be exposed at. | 9797 |
FhirServerTimeout | The HTTP client timeout for querying the FHIR server in TimeSpan format. | "0.00:02:00" |
ExcludedResources | A comma-separated list of FHIR resource types that should be excluded from counting. E.g. Binary,Subscription |
"" |
IncludedResources | A comma-separated list of FHIR resource types that should be included for counting. if unset, defaults to all types. | "" |
Auth__Basic__Username | If the FHIR server requires basic auth, this allows setting the username. | "" |
Auth__Basic__Password | Basic auth password. | "" |
Auth__BearerToken | Static token to set in the Authorization: Bearer … header. |
"" |
Auth__OAuth__TokenUrl | OAuth token endpoint URL. | "" |
Auth__OAuth__ClientId | OAuth client ID. | "" |
Auth__OAuth__ClientSecret | OAuth client secret | "" |
Auth__OAuth__Scope | OAuth scope | "" |
You can also specify a list of custom queries to run against the FHIR server.
Create a file called queries.yaml
and place it in the application's main directory:
docker run --rm -it \
-e FhirServerUrl="https://hapi.fhir.org/baseR4" \
-e FhirServerName="HAPI FHIR Demo Server" \
-p 9797:9797 \
-v $PWD/src/FhirServerExporter/queries.yaml:/opt/fhir-server-exporter/queries.yaml:ro \
Here's an example queries.yaml
file. It exports three gauge metrics as fhir_male_patient_count
, and fhir_older_female_patient_count
- name: fhir_male_patient_count
query: Patient?gender=male
description: Male patients
- name: fhir_female_patient_count
query: Patient?gender=female
- name: fhir_older_female_patient_count
query: Patient?gender=female&birthdate=le1900
description: Female patients born on or before 1900
Note that &_summary=count
is automatically appended to the query.
To deploy the exporter on Kubernetes, a Helm chart is available at https://github.com/chgl/charts/tree/master/charts/fhir-server-exporter.
If multiple authentication settings are given, the order of usage is:
- Basic Auth
- Bearer Token
- OAuth
so if you've specified both a basic auth username and password and an oauth token URL, only the basic auth is used.
Start an empty HAPI FHIR server exposed on port 8282 and a pre-configured Prometheus instance on port 9090:
docker compose -f hack/compose.yaml up
Run the server exporter
cd src/FhirServerExporter/ dotnet run
Access the exposed metrics at http://localhost:9797/metrics
create a local testing cluster
kind create cluster
build and deploy container in development mode. This also bootstraps a HAPI FHIR server and loads some sample resources into it.
skaffold dev --port-forward
docker build -t fhir-server-exporter:local .
docker run -e FhirServerUrl="http://host.docker.internal:8082/fhir" -p 9797:9797 fhir-server-exporter:local
All released container images are signed using cosign and SLSA Level 3 provenance is available for verification.
DIGEST=$(crane digest "${IMAGE}")
cosign verify \
--certificate-oidc-issuer="https://token.actions.githubusercontent.com" \
--certificate-identity-regexp="^https://github.com/chgl/.github/.github/workflows/standard-build.yaml@[0-9a-f]{40}$" \
--certificate-github-workflow-repository="chgl/fhir-server-exporter" \
slsa-verifier verify-image \
--source-uri github.com/chgl/fhir-server-exporter \
--source-tag ${IMAGE_TAG} \
--source-branch master \