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WSO2 API Manager Pivotal Cloud Foundry Service Broker

This repository contains CloudFoundry (CF) service broker for WSO2 API Manager. The service broker API has been implemented using Ballerina and it can be run on CF as an application using Docker. The servce broker does not provision WSO2 API Manager, rather it points to an existing deployment.

Refer Quick Start for trying this out on a local machine with PCF Dev and Installation for installing this on an existing CF environment.

Deployment Architecture

The following diagram illustrates the deployment architecture:

Quick Start Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are needed for the quick start:

Quick Start

The quick start provides steps for installing WSO2 API Manager service broker on PCF Dev.

  • Download and install PCF Dev by following this

  • Start PCF Dev instance:

    $ cf dev start
  • Download Ballerina tools distribution from and add it's bin folder path to the PATH variable:

    $ export BAL_HOME="/path/to/ballerina/ballerina-tools-<version>/"
    $ export PATH=$BAL_HOME/bin:$PATH
  • Download WSO2 API Manager 2.1.0 distribution from, extract it and start the server:

    $ unzip
    $ cd wso2am-2.1.0/
    $ bin/ start
  • Clone this git repository:

    $ git clone
  • Execute the following command to register a client in WSO2 API Manager for invoking its admin REST API:

    $ curl -X POST -u <username>:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
      "callbackUrl": "https://localhost/callback",
      "clientName": "wso2-apim-cf-service-broker",
      "tokenScope": "Production",
      "owner": "admin",
      "grantType": "password refresh_token",
      "saasApp": true
    }' http://<wso2-apim-hostname>:9763/client-registration/v0.11/register
  • Expose following environment variables:

    $ export WSO2_APIM_TOKEN_ENDPOINT=https://<wso2-apim-hostname>:8243/token
    $ export WSO2_APIM_PUBLISHER_ENDPOINT=https://<wso2-apim-hostname>:9443/api/am/publisher
    $ export WSO2_APIM_PUBLISHER_UI_URL=https://<wso2-apim-hostname>:9443/publisher/
    $ export WSO2_APIM_CLIENT_ID=<client-id-generated-above>
    $ export WSO2_APIM_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret-generated-above>
    $ export WSO2_APIM_USERNAME=admin
    $ export WSO2_APIM_PASSWORD=admin
  • Start the service broker API using Ballerina:

    $ cd /path/to/wso2-apim-service-broker/
    $ ballerina run service wso2apim/cf/servicebroker/
  • Find the IP address of the local machine and verify the catalog resource:

    $ curl -v http://<local-machine-ip>:9090/v2/catalog
    > GET /v2/catalog HTTP/1.1
    > Host: localhost:9090
    > User-Agent: curl/7.51.0
    > Accept: */*
    < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    < Content-Type: application/json
    < Content-Length: 486
    {"services":[{"id":"wso2-apim-service-broker","name":"wso2-apim","description":"WSO2 API-M service broker for Pivotal CloudFoundry","tags":["wso2","api"],"requires":[],"bindable":true,"metadata":{"provider":{"name":"WSO2"},"listing":{"imageUrl":""}},"plan_updateable":false,"plans":[{"id":"1","name":"default","description":"Default plan without any costs","max_storage_tb":0,"metadata":{"costs":[],"bullets":[]}}]}]}
  • Create service broker using the following command:

    $ cf create-service-broker wso2-apim <broker-service-api-username> <broker-service-api-password> http://<local-machine-ip>:9090
  • Find WSO2 API-M service name and plan name using the following command:

    $ cf marketplace
    Getting services from marketplace in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
    service                     plans             description
    wso2-apim                   default           WSO2 API-M service broker for Pivotal CloudFoundry
    local-volume                free-local-disk   Local service docs:
    p-mysql                     512mb, 1gb        MySQL databases on demand
    p-rabbitmq                  standard          RabbitMQ is a robust and scalable high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker.
    p-redis                     shared-vm         Redis service to provide a key-value store
    TIP:  Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.
  • Create WSO2 API-M service instance using the following command:

    $ cf create-service wso2-apim default wso2-apim
    Creating service instance wso2-apim in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
  • Deploy sample spring music application on CF by following this github repository.

  • List applications using the following command:

    $ cf apps
    Getting apps in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
    name           requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
    spring-music   started           1/1         512M     512M
  • Bind WSO2 API-M service to an application using the following command:

    parameters='{ "apiName":"foo", "apiVersion": "v1.0", "contextPath": "/foo", "serviceEndpoint": "", "serviceEndpointUsername": "admin", "serviceEndpointPassword": "admin"}'
    cf bind-service <application-name> wso2-apim -c ${parameters}
    Binding service wso2-apim to app spring-music in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
    TIP: Use 'cf restage spring-music' to ensure your env variable changes take effect
  • Now login to WSO2 API-M store web application and verify the created API.

  • Once verified, unbind WSO2 API-M service using the following command:

    $ cf unbind-service spring-music wso2-apim

Installation Prerequisites

The following prerequisites are needed to install CloudFoundry service broker for WSO2 API Manager:


This section provides steps for installing WSO2 API Manager service broker on an existing CloudFoundry environment.

  • Download Ballerina tools distribution from and add it's bin folder path to the PATH variable:

    $ export BAL_HOME="/path/to/ballerina/ballerina-tools-<version>/"
    $ export PATH=$BAL_HOME/bin:$PATH
  • Download WSO2 API Manager 2.1.0 distribution from, extract it and start the server:

    $ unzip
    $ cd wso2am-2.1.0/
    $ bin/ start
  • Clone this git repository and checkout the latest release tag:

    $ git clone
    $ git checkout tags/<latest-release-tag>
  • Execute the following command to register a client in WSO2 API Manager for invoking its admin REST API:

    $ curl -X POST -u <username>:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
      "callbackUrl": "https://localhost/callback",
      "clientName": "wso2-apim-cf-service-broker",
      "tokenScope": "Production",
      "owner": "admin",
      "grantType": "password refresh_token",
      "saasApp": true
    }' http://<wso2-apim-hostname>:9763/client-registration/v0.11/register
  • Build service broker API using the following command:

    $ cd 
    $ ballerina build service wso2apim/cf/servicebroker/
  • Create a Docker repository either in Docker Hub or any other Docker registry that is not secured. Currently, CloudFoundry does not support using Docker registries that require user credentials. Note down the repository name for the next step.

  • Create service broker API Docker image using the following command:

    $ docker_image=<repository>/wso2-apim-cf-service-broker-api:1.0.0
    $ ballerina docker servicebroker.bsz -t ${docker_image} -y 
  • Push service broker API Docker image to a Docker registry:

    $ docker push ${docker_image}
  • Push service broker API to CloudFoundry as an application:

    $ cf push wso2-apim-cf-service-broker-api --docker-image ${docker_image}
  • Login to PCF Dev web console and add following environment variables to the above service broker API application:

  • Create service broker using the following command:

    $ cf create-service-broker wso2-apim <broker-service-api-username> <broker-service-api-password> <broker-service-api-url>
  • Find WSO2 API-M service name and plan name using the following command:

    $ cf marketplace
    Getting services from marketplace in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
    service                     plans             description
    wso2-apim                   default           WSO2 API-M service broker for Pivotal CloudFoundry
    local-volume                free-local-disk   Local service docs:
    p-mysql                     512mb, 1gb        MySQL databases on demand
    p-rabbitmq                  standard          RabbitMQ is a robust and scalable high-performance multi-protocol messaging broker.
    p-redis                     shared-vm         Redis service to provide a key-value store
    TIP:  Use 'cf marketplace -s SERVICE' to view descriptions of individual plans of a given service.
  • Create WSO2 API-M service instance using the following command:

    $ cf create-service wso2-apim default wso2-apim
    Creating service instance wso2-apim in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
  • List applications using the following command:

    $ cf apps
    Getting apps in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
    name           requested state   instances   memory   disk   urls
    spring-music   started           1/1         512M     512M
  • Bind WSO2 API-M service to an application using the following command:

    parameters='{ "apiName":"foo", "apiVersion": "v1.0", "contextPath": "/foo", "serviceEndpoint": "", "serviceEndpointUsername": "admin", "serviceEndpointPassword": "admin"}'
    cf bind-service <application-name> wso2-apim -c ${parameters}
    Binding service wso2-apim to app spring-music in org pcfdev-org / space pcfdev-space as admin...
    TIP: Use 'cf restage spring-music' to ensure your env variable changes take effect
  • Now login to WSO2 API-M store web application and verify the created API.

  • Once verified, unbind WSO2 API-M service using the following command:

    $ cf unbind-service spring-music wso2-apim