Get-EsxCli on steroids 29 /04 /2015
472 cmdlets
Works with ESXi version 5 / 5.1 / 5.5 / 6.0
Major version change from 1.0.0 to 2.0.0
The previous approach below was not convenient when working with only one host:
$esxcliOutput = $
$FinalTable = New-Object -Type PSObject -Prop ([ordered]@{
"VMHost" = $VMHost;
"esxcliOutput" = $esxcliOutput;
Return $FinalTable
The output is now directly the output of the esxcli command:
Return $
Fix issues with 5 functions.
The condition to check if a parameter exist for this build was not correct
Example of a fix
2615704 {
If(($enabled -ne $Null)){
Write-error "At least one parameter is not compatible with this ESXi build:$Build "
Return $esxcli.iscsi.physicalnetworkportal.param.set($adapter,$nic,$option,$value)
Known issues:
ESXi 6.0 GA – issue with device alias namespace.
The “esxcli device alias” namespace is present when connected to the host with “ssh”
However for this build only, in my test environment, it is not available with “Get-esxcli”
Consequently the two functions below are not available for this build:
The following build is missing.
I never managed to create an ESXi host with this build number in a lab environment.