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Photon NetworkModule source code

Here are some classes for understanding how to set up NetworkModule properly for Photon PUN. All what you need is to register your project on their website and fill up the photon settings form inside Unity. Do not foget to choose "TCP" in protocol section.

Note: FSSerializer depends on FullSerializer.

Steps to implement Photon NetworkModule:

  1. Markers
  2. Network Module
  3. Photon Receiver
  4. ITransporter Implementation
  5. ISerializer Implementation

First of all you need to define some markers in your world:

public struct NetworkSetActivePlayer : IMarker {

    public Photon.Realtime.Player player;


public struct NetworkPlayerDisconnected : IMarker {

    public Photon.Realtime.Player player;


public struct NetworkPlayerConnectedTimeSynced : IMarker {}

Then replace your Modules/NetworkModule.cs with the code below:

public class NetworkModule : ME.ECS.Network.NetworkModule<TState> {

    private int orderId;
    private PhotonTransporter photonTransporter;

    public ME.ECS.Network.ISerializer GetSerializer() {

        return this.serializer;


    protected override int GetRPCOrder() {

        return this.orderId;


    protected override ME.ECS.Network.NetworkType GetNetworkType() {

        return ME.ECS.Network.NetworkType.SendToNet | ME.ECS.Network.NetworkType.RunLocal;


    public void SetOrderId(int orderId) {

        this.orderId = orderId;


    public void AddToQueue(byte[] bytes) {

    public void AddToSystemQueue(byte[] bytes) {

    public void SetRoomName(string name) {



    public void SetRoom(Photon.Realtime.Room room) {



    protected override void OnInitialize() {

        var tr = new PhotonTransporter(;
        var instance = (ME.ECS.Network.INetworkModuleBase)this;
        instance.SetSerializer(new FSSerializer());

        this.photonTransporter = tr;




Photon Receiver is a MonoBehaviour class which allows NetworkModule receive callbacks from Photon.

public class PhotonReceiver : Photon.Pun.MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks {

    public string roomName;
    private bool timeSyncedConnected = false;
    private bool timeSynced = false;
    public void RPC_HISTORY_CALL(byte[] bytes) {

        var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
        var storageNetworkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();
        var networkModule = world.GetModule<ME.ECS.Network.INetworkModuleBase>();
        var storage = storageNetworkModule.GetSerializer().DeserializeStorage(bytes); 


    public void RPC_CALL(byte[] bytes) {

        var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
        var networkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();


    public void RPC_SYSTEM_CALL(byte[] bytes) {

        var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
        var networkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();


    public void Initialize() {


    public override void OnConnectedToMaster() {



    public override void OnDisconnected(Photon.Realtime.DisconnectCause cause) {
        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Disconnected because of " + cause);

        var ww = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
        WorldUtilities.ReleaseWorld<TState>(ref ww);
        this.timeSyncedConnected = false;
        this.timeSynced = false;
        ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld = null;

        var go = UnityEngine.GameObject.FindObjectOfType<InitializerBase>();
        if (go != null) {

        UnityEngine.Debug.Log("World destroyed");


    public override void OnJoinedRoom() {

        if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.InRoom == true) {
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("OnJoinedRoom. IsMaster: " + Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient);

            var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
            var networkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();

            if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient == true) {
                // Put server time into the room properties
                var serverTime = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.Time;
                Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable() {
                    { "t", serverTime },
                    { "cc", 1 }

            this.timeSyncedConnected = false;
            this.timeSynced = false;

            world.AddMarker(new NetworkSetActivePlayer() {
                player = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer


    public override void OnRoomPropertiesUpdate(ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable propertiesThatChanged) {
        var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
        var networkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();
        if ((networkModule as ME.ECS.Network.INetworkModuleBase).GetRPCOrder() == 0) {

            var orderId = (int)Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["cc"];



    private void UpdateTime() {
        if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.InRoom == false) return;

        if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("t") == true) {

            // Set current time since start from master client
            var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
            var serverTime = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.Time;
            var gameStartTime = serverTime - (double)Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["t"];

            this.timeSynced = true;



    public override void OnPlayerEnteredRoom(Photon.Realtime.Player newPlayer) {

        if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient == true) {

            var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
            var props = Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties;
            props["cc"] = (int)props["cc"] + 1;

            // Send all history events to client
            var networkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();
            var history = world.GetModule<ME.ECS.StatesHistory.IStatesHistoryModuleBase>().GetHistoryStorage();
            this.photonView.RPC("RPC_HISTORY_CALL", newPlayer, networkModule.GetSerializer().SerializeStorage(history));


    public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Photon.Realtime.Player otherPlayer) {

        if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsMasterClient == true) {

            var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
            world.AddMarker(new NetworkPlayerDisconnected() {
                player = otherPlayer



    public override void OnRoomListUpdate(System.Collections.Generic.List<Photon.Realtime.RoomInfo> roomList) {

        Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom(this.roomName, new Photon.Realtime.RoomOptions() { MaxPlayers = 16, PublishUserId = true }, Photon.Realtime.TypedLobby.Default);

    public void LateUpdate() {


        var world = ME.ECS.Worlds.currentWorld;
        if (this.timeSynced == true && this.timeSyncedConnected == false) {

            var networkModule = world.GetModule<NetworkModule>();
            if (((ME.ECS.Network.INetworkModuleBase)networkModule).GetRPCOrder() > 0) {

                // Here we are check if all required players connected to the game
                // So we could start the game sending the special message
                if (Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.PlayerCount == 2) {

                    this.timeSyncedConnected = true;
                    world.AddMarker(new NetworkPlayerConnectedTimeSynced());





Add ITransporter implementation:

public class PhotonTransporter : ME.ECS.Network.ITransporter {

    private System.Collections.Generic.Queue<byte[]> queue = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<byte[]>();
    private System.Collections.Generic.Queue<byte[]> queueSystem = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<byte[]>();
    private Photon.Pun.PhotonView photonView;
    private PhotonReceiver photonReceiver;
    private Photon.Realtime.Room room;
    private int sentCount;
    private int sentBytesCount;
    private int receivedCount;
    private int receivedBytesCount;

    public PhotonTransporter(int id) {

        var photon = new UnityEngine.GameObject("PhotonTransporter", typeof(Photon.Pun.PhotonView), typeof(PhotonReceiver));
        this.photonReceiver = photon.GetComponent<PhotonReceiver>();
        var view = photon.GetComponent<Photon.Pun.PhotonView>();
        view.ViewID = id;

        this.photonView = view;


    public void SetRoomName(string name) {

        this.photonReceiver.roomName = name;

    public void SetRoom(Photon.Realtime.Room room) { = room;

    public bool IsConnected() {

        return Photon.Pun.PhotonNetwork.IsConnectedAndReady == true && != null;


    public void Send(byte[] bytes) {
        // Just send RPC calls to others because of network type (RunLocal flag)
        this.photonView.RPC("RPC_CALL", Photon.Pun.RpcTarget.Others, bytes);

        this.sentBytesCount += bytes.Length;

    public void SendSystem(byte[] bytes) {

        this.photonView.RPC("RPC_SYSTEM_CALL", Photon.Pun.RpcTarget.Others, bytes);
        this.sentBytesCount += bytes.Length;


    public void AddToQueue(byte[] bytes) {

    public void AddToSystemQueue(byte[] bytes) {

    public byte[] Receive() {

        if (this.queue.Count == 0) {

            if (this.queueSystem.Count == 0) return null;
            var bytes = this.queueSystem.Dequeue();
            this.receivedBytesCount += bytes.Length;
            return bytes;

        } else {

            var bytes = this.queue.Dequeue();

            this.receivedBytesCount += bytes.Length;

            return bytes;



    public int GetEventsSentCount() {

        return this.sentCount;


    public int GetEventsBytesSentCount() {

        return this.sentBytesCount;


    public int GetEventsReceivedCount() {

        return this.receivedCount;


    public int GetEventsBytesReceivedCount() {
        return this.receivedBytesCount;


Add ISerializer implementation:

public class FSSerializer : ME.ECS.Network.ISerializer {

    public byte[] SerializeStorage(ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryStorage historyEvent) {

        return ME.ECS.Serializer.Serializer.Pack(historyEvent);


    public ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryStorage DeserializeStorage(byte[] bytes) {

        return ME.ECS.Serializer.Serializer.Unpack<ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryStorage>(bytes);

    public byte[] Serialize(ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent historyEvent) {

        return ME.ECS.Serializer.Serializer.Pack(historyEvent);


    public ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent Deserialize(byte[] bytes) {

        return ME.ECS.Serializer.Serializer.Unpack<ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent>(bytes);


    public byte[] Serialize(ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent historyEvent) => ME.ECS.Serializer.Serializer.Pack(historyEvent);
    public ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent Deserialize(byte[] bytes) => ME.ECS.Serializer.Serializer.Unpack<ME.ECS.StatesHistory.HistoryEvent>(bytes);
