FortuneCookieVisionPro is a fun and immersive application designed using VisionOS and RealityKit, where users can interact with a 3D model of a fortune cookie. Each interaction reveals a unique and uplifting message, bringing a little joy and positivity to your day.
- 3D Interaction: Users can pinch and toss a virtual fortune cookie within an augmented reality environment.
- Dynamic Affirmations: Each cookie toss fetches a random, uplifting message displayed in a beautiful typographic style.
- Immersive Experience: Leveraging the capabilities of VisionOS and RealityKit to create a seamless augmented reality experience.
To set up the Fortune Cookie VisionPro app on your local machine, begin by opening your terminal and running the following command to clone the repository:
git clone
After cloning, navigate to the cloned repository directory on your computer. Double-click the FortuneCookieVisionPro.xcodeproj
file to open the project in Xcode. Once the project is open in Xcode, select the target device from the top device toolbar—either an iOS simulator or a Vision Pro device. Then, click the 'Run' button to build and run the app.
- VisionOS - The augmented reality platform used.
- RealityKit - Used to manage and interact with 3D models.
- SwiftUI - Used for building the user interface.
- Chuyang (Cyrus) Zhang - Initial work - chuyangzh
- All messages fetched from API, which provides the uplifting messages displayed in the app.