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Samuel BELONDRADE edited this page May 17, 2024 · 4 revisions

CiteLibre Rendezvous & Docker Compose

Build and launch all containers

make test

Delete all apps containers :

make test-down

Prepare your dump

if you have a new dump, go into mysql and replace the content of dump.sql by the new one.

You must do some actions :

  • Check that you dump is correct for special french character ( like ├⌐ )

  • In your dump file, at top of the file add CREATE DATABASE/ USE instruction

USE lutece;
  • Replace matomo info
	('matomo.site_property.server.http.url', 'http://localhost/'),
	('matomo.site_property.server.https.url', 'http://localhost/'),
	('', '1'),
    ('matomo.site_property.widget.auth.token', 'cfa9a798abd584817e2eb94d7bc14bb0'),
  • Replace adminpack instruction by admin and password admin (in html section)
<p class="p-small">Demo user access-code is <strong>"admin"</strong> and the password is <strong>"adminadmin"</strong>
  • replace user admin with correct password and change the expiration date (in this sample i use 2023-02-08 09:58:00)
	(1, 'admin', 'AdminNom', 'adminPrénom', '', 0, 'PLAINTEXT:adminadmin', 'fr', 0, 0, 0, '2023-02-08 09:58:00', 1698479072663, 0, '2022-10-28 09:44:32', 'all'),
  • verify admin user role : he must have the Matomo stats roles (in User menu => configure permission => at the end of the list)

Recompile citelibre

Go into citelibre-rendezvous directory

    cd citelibre-rendezvous

Update pom.xml file with the new version

Create a directory name "target"

    mkdir target

Create the container builder

    docker build . -f Docker-builder -t local-builder 


    docker run -v ./target:/app/target -t local-builder 

takes a coffee ... or four :-) (compilation time is about 20 minutes, maven download dependencies is very time expensive)

rename war with site-citelibre-rendezvous-X.X.X (X.X.X is the numero number)

Change in citelibre-rendezvous/Dockerfile => ARG site=site-citelibre-rendezvous-X.X.X

and on Makefile => VERSION=X.X.X

Log into docker hub

    docker login

After you can launch makefile task (you need to install make utility in utils/outils directory) :

For building local containers

    make build

And for publish into docker hub

    make publish
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