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Replication files for "Simple dietary substitutions can reduce carbon footprints and improve dietary quality across diverse segments of the US population"


This repository includes Stata code, folder structure, and raw data files to reproduce the analysis of the manuscript "Potential impacts of simple dietary substitutions on carbon footprints and dietary quality across diverse segments of the US population".

Instructions to reproduce the analysis:

  1. Clone the repository to a preferred location.

  2. Unzip 'Project'
    The zip file contains the folder structure and raw data files needed for the analysis (except dataFRIENDS dataset which is not publicly available at this time). Folder tree is shown below.

  3. Open Stata codes/0_Analysis Parent
    The Analysis Parent File lists in sequence all the necessary code for the analysis.
    3.1) Customize the user file paths to reflect your username as well as the folder location (from step 2).
    3.2) Run the do file.

  4. Stata outputs will be generated and saved under the folders from step 2.

Folder tree of zip file:

Project folders-files/
├── Data/
│   ├── dataFRIENDS/
│   ├── FPED/
│   │   └── FPED_1516.xls
│   ├── NHANES/
│   │   └── 2015-2016/
│   │       ├── DEMO_I.XPT
│   │       ├── DR1IFF_I.XPT
│   │       ├── DRXFCD_I.XPT
│   │       └── v2_racecat/
│   └── WWEIA/
│       ├── WWEIA_1516.xlsx
│       └── WWEIA_2015-16_foodcat_list_uppercats.xlsx
├── Analysis/
│   ├── HEI/
│   │   └── Intermediate/
│   ├── MasterLists/
│   │   └── 2015-16/
│   │       └── Sub lists/
│   │           └── Merged_ghg100/
│   │               ├── Beverages_Substitutes_v3_fruit_ghg100.xlsx
│   │               ├── Milk_Substitutes_v1_ghg100.xlsx
│   │               ├── MxDishes_Substitutes_v3_ghg100.xlsx
│   │               └── Protein_Substitutes_v3_ghg100.xlsx
│   ├── Ranking/
│   │   └── 2015-16/
│   │       ├── ghg_intensity/
│   │       ├── overlap/
│   │       │   └── IntermediateData/
│   │       └── total_ghg/
│   └── Substitution/
│       └── 2015-16/
│           ├── 1_Empty/
│           ├── 2-3_Sub_only_nutri_ghg/
│           ├── 4_Sub_dataset/
│           ├── 5_OrixSub_dataset/
│           ├── 6_OrixSub_totals/
│           │   └── Intermediary/
│           ├── 7_OrixSub_ttl_diff_perc/
│           └── Seqn lists/
└── Results/
    └── 2015-16/
        ├── Descriptive/
        ├── HEI/
        │   ├── Overall pop/
        │   └── Substituters/
        └── Mean_nutri_ghg/
            ├── Overall pop/
            └── Substituters/

NHANES - National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
WWEIA - What We Eat In America Database
dataFRIENDS - Database of Food Recall Impacts on the Environment for Nutrition and Dietary Studies
FPED - Food Patterns Equivalents Database
HEI – Health Eating Index