A tiny GUI for interacting with Sphero from Windows.
To use:
- Turn on Bluetooth on your development machine.
- Run the app.
- If your Sphero is not in the list, hit "Find Devices" to re-scan.
- Note your Sphero must be awake before it can be connected.
- Double-click your Sphero from the list to connect.
- The background will turn blue on a successful connection.
- Once connected, you can:
- Enter color values in RGB bytes and click "Set Color" to update the Sphero's color.
- Enter orbBasic code in the textbox on the right, and hit "Run!" to run that code.
- A default example program will load in the textbox initially; this will make the Sphero move around and change color at random.
- Load files from the list on the left by double-clicking them.
- Save files into the default code directory by entering a name and hitting "Save Code".
- Hit "Abort" to abort the currently-running program.