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William Henney edited this page Oct 17, 2019 · 1 revision

This page provides an inventory of scripts shipped with Cloudy, that may be of value to our users. Note that this page does not provide an exhaustive description of each script's capabilities. Users are advised to read the documentation within each script for more information.

If problems arise, please consult the Yahoo! discussion board.

In the examples below, the leading sentinel ($) signifies the command prompt, and should not be included.


As of r7900, the default number of significant figures used with emission line wavelengths has been increased from 4 to 6. The present script will update the wavelengths in input decks and line lists to the new default.

To use the script, first run Cloudy (at revision 7900 or greater, or newer than C13) with an input deck, e.g., Then simply issue

$ $CLOUDY/tsuite/auto/

where $CLOUDY is the full path to your Cloudy installation. The script will go over the output file (my-script.out, in this case), find unidentified emission lines, and process the input deck, as well as any linelists or init files invoked therein, to update wavelengths to the new default. The previously used wavelengths will be saved in comment lines. Before starting any processing, the script will ask for a message to append at the end of such comment lines.

Note that Cloudy may exit before it is done reporting all the unidentified wavelengths in an input deck. Users are advised to repeat running first Cloudy and then this script until the no unidentified emission lines are reported in the output file.


This script may be used to process the file "collion.txt" in that directory to isolate the ionization fractions into separate files for each element. Disjoint tables are brought together in the process, and the output files are tab-delimited to ease the use with plotting programs, such as Gnuplot or Veusz.

For instance, the ionization fractions of iron may be produced with the command:

$ ./ fe

which produces the file "collion-Iron.txt".

Several parameters are defined within the script to facilitate plot production. A Gnuplot script may be generated as a template. Gnuplot may also operate on that script, if desired. By default PS files are generated. Note that PDF files can be produced only on systems on which Gnuplot has been compiled with supporting terminals (pdfcairo or pdf).

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