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The source uses tabs for indentation. Please do not use spaces, this will break the indentation for the rest of us.
Each routine must start with a call to DEBUG_ENTRY
with the name of the routine in quotes.
An example is DEBUG_ENTRY( "oi3Pcs()" );
. If the compile time macro DEBUG_FUN
is defined then
a print will indicate when a routine is called. This is intended as a debugging aid.
There should be a space on either side of the equal signs in arithmetic operations.
An example is variable = 0.123
This makes it possible to go a global search on "variable ="
and find all occurrences.
Local variables should be declared at the spot where they are first used. This makes it easier to see the variable type. An example would be
double cs = 0.93;
double rate = cs * 59676.;
The code now has the majority of the declarations at the start of the routine.
This is inherited from the C
days and is not the preferred style.
Codes such as Cloudy only exist because of the foundation of basic atomic
and molecular data.
It is important to the survival of this field that
the original sources of the basic data be cited, since this in turn affects
their ability to generate support.
The code precedes all atomic data with
a citation to the original paper in the following form:
/* >>refer Si2 AS Berrington, K., AtData Nuc Data Tab 33, 195.
This information is extracted from the source with the Perl script doc_atomic_data.pl which lives in the source directory. It creates a file doc_atomic_data_refer.txt giving all atomic data references.
The reference begins with /* as a C style comment.
The flag >>refer indicates that the line is an atomic data reference.
The fields are tab delimited.
The text after the first tab indicate the species (c4, he2, H2+).
After the next tab there is a flag indicating the process (CS for collision
strength, AS for transition probabilities, UTA for unresolved transition array,
and CT for charge transfer).
If the reference cannot
fit on a single line it may continue on the following line, starting with
the flag >>refercon which is followed by a tab and the remainder of
the reference.
The following is an example
/* O V 630, CS from
* >>refer o5 cs Berrington, K.A., Burke, P.G., Dufton, P.L., Kingston, A.E. 1985,
* >>refercon At. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 33, 195 */
Old data references, those no longer used by the code but are still of historical value, are denoted by the flag >>referold. The perl script places these references in the file doc_atomic_data_refer_old.txt.
This style should be followed consistently so that the Perl script can generate a list of atomic data references used.
The MultiArrPage describes the new multi_arr structure for allocating and accessing multi-dimensional arrays in Cloudy.
fp_equal( arg1, arg2, n ) - returns true if the two arguments are within a relative precision of n epsilon of one another. When unspecified, n defaults to 3.
fp_equal_tol( arg1, arg2, tol ) - returns true if the two arguments differ by no more than tol. It is fundamentally different from fp_equal in that it can return true when arg1 and arg2 have different sign, while fp_equal cannot.
fp_bound( lo, x, hi, n ) - returns true if x is within the bounds given by lo and hi, to within a relative precision of n epsilon. When unspecified, n defaults to 3.
fp_bound_tol( lo, x, hi, tol ) - returns true if x is within the bounds given by lo and hi, to within a relative precision of tol.
get_ptr ( obj ) - returns a pointer to raw data contained by object obj. An attribute shim - it is presently implemented for const and non-const vector and valarray to avoid compiler incompatibilities.
sign( arg1, arg2 ) - the Fortran sign function, returns arg1 with the sign of arg2. If arg2 == 0, +arg1 is returned.
sign3( arg ) - the Pascal sign function, returns -1 if arg1 < 0, returns 0 when arg1 == 0, and +1 when arg > 0.
set_NaN( var ) / set_NaN( arr, n ) - sets the argument (a simple variable "var" or an array "arr[n]") to signaling NaN (not a number) which will cause the code to crash if the variable is used in a floating point operation before it is properly initialized. Note that this will fool valgrind / purify, but this is OK as long as FP traps are enabled.
isnan( var ) checks whether a variable is NaN.
SDIV( arg ) - "safe division". BEWARE: this macro is neither safe, nor does it do any division. All it does is guard against division by zero, but it does not guard against overflow when dividing by a very small number, nor does it preserve the sign when dividing by a very small negative number. This macro should gradually be phased out due to its poorly defined behavior. For new code the routine safe_div described below should be used.
safe_div( x, y ) - carries out a safe division x/y in the sense that division by zero and overflow exceptions are avoided under all circumstances; the code will however still produce invalid FP exceptions where appropriate (this includes 0/0, see also the second version of safe_div below). If the results would otherwise have overflowed (this includes division of a non-zero number by zero), +/-DBL_MAX or +/-FLT_MAX is returned. Note that this routine carries quite a bit of overhead, so only use it where it is really needed.
safe_div( x, y, res_0by0 ) - this routine behaves the same as safe_div( x, y ), except that when 0/0 is encountered, res_0by0 is returned rather than raising an invalid FP exception. This version can never crash, except when x and/or y are NaN (which should never happen if the code is behaving properly!).
STATIC - this is used to declare that a routine is file static. This should never be used to declare the scope of a variable or to cause it to retain its value when going out of scope. Declaring the macro USE_GPROF during compilation will cause the STATIC qualifier to be redefined to an empty string and all routines will be globally visible. This influences gprof output as it disables inlining of certain routines. It is also needed in unit testing if you want to test the results of a static routine.
NORETURN - this indicates that a routine can never return because it terminates the program (an example is TotalInsanity()). This is useful information for the compiler, e.g. to prevent warnings about a variable not being initialized in a branch of an if-statement, or the routine not returning a result.
UNUSED - this indicates that a variable is never read (possibly after being initialized). It prevents warnings about such variables. It currently only works for GNU compatible compilers. Use like this:
long UNUSED bla;
dprintf( ioQQQ, "d: %ld\n", d ) - generates print output with DEBUG prepended. The script checkall.pl in the test suite directories checks for this string since it is easy to forget that print statements were enabled.
cdBacktrace() - this can be inserted in any place in the code and will generate a backtrace of the call stack showing you how the code got there. This can be useful for debugging as there can be multiple routes to enter a routine and it is not always obvious which one was taken. Note that this command is non-destructive: execution will continue normally after cdBacktrace() returns. The output of cdBacktrace() will automatically have DEBUG prepended.
cdEXIT( arg ) - the exit handler. This must be called to exit to insure that output is properly closed and the information in the SAVE GRID file is complete. The argument should have the type exit_type, which is defined in cddefines.h. There is a whole range of possible values, most of which should only be used in cdMain() by the code catching every possible exception. Elsewhere in the code, use either EXIT_FAILURE or EXIT_SUCCESS. These have been redefined to ES_FAILURE and ES_SUCCESS in cddefines.h to make sure they have the correct type and value (note that the value of EXIT_FAILURE would have been implementation defined if we had not done this, now EXIT_FAILURE is guaranteed to be 1).
DEBUG_ENTRY( "routine()" ) - This routine produces a call trace (recording entry and exit of each routine) when the macro DEBUG_FUN is defined during compilation. This produces lots of output and is only used as a last resort when all other debugging methods fail to uncover where the code crashes. To keep the bulk of the output down, trivial routines typically do not have the DEBUG_ENTRY call. This is especially the case for code that is intended to be inlined. Any routine that calls cdEXIT also must have a call to DEBUG_ENTRY at the start. The debugtrace class generated by the DEBUG_ENTRY call is used as a source of the routine name so that it can be printed in the exit message. Once the C++0x standard is in effect, this can be replaced with the __func__
string, but for now this is the only reliable source of the routine name.
open_data() - All files need to be opened with open_data() as the use of fopen() is deprecated (the compiler will actually generate an error if you accidentally try to use fopen). When reading files, this routine will traverse the search path and open the file in the first location where it finds a match. It will produce a caution if multiple matches are found along the path and (when appropriate) also produce an error message if the file is not found. The access_scheme flag will determine how such errors will be handled. A description of the existing schemes can be found in cpu.h. There are three versions of open_data(), one for classic C-style I/O streams, one for C++ fstream based I/O, and one for MPI-IO based I/O. We have defined a bunch of flags in cpu.h to define the access mode to the fstream. These are chosen to be equivalent to their C-style counterparts, e.g. C-style access mode "r" becomes mode_r, and access mode "r+b" becomes mode_rpb. All existing C-style access modes are represented. C++ offers more access modes than C, and you can still use those by supplying the raw ios_base flags to open_data. These will be the most common ways of using open_data to read a normal core data file:
// C-style
FILE* ioDATA = open_data( "name", "r" );
// .... read data
fclose( ioDATA ); // don't forget, you may run out of file descriptors otherwise!
// write some file
FILE* ioDATA = open_data( "other", "w" );
// C++ style
fstream ioDATA;
open_data( ioDATA, "name", mode_r );
// .... read data
ioDATA.close(); // optional, the destructor will do this anyway...
// write some file
open_data( ioDATA, "other", mode_w );
When writing files, open_data() will always open the file in the current working directory, no matter what is in your search path. The search path is only used for reading files.
C++ based I/O has several advantages. I think the most important are that you get simple access to all the nifty string manipulation options that C++ has to offer, that you don't need to worry about buffer overflows any longer, and that the destructor of the fstream will close the file for you. The disadvantage is that it can be slower if you have very large files to read. If that becomes an issue, it can be worked around by using sscanf on the C-representation of the string, or other (lower level) routines. However, in my experience that is rarely needed and the advantaged of C++ I/O vastly outweigh the disadvantages.
To allocate arrays always use C++ container classes such as array, vector, valarray, multi_arr, or flex_arr. Never use malloc() and try to stay away from new / delete / delete[] as the memory allocated with new will not be automatically freed. Cloudy has a firm policy that all memory that is allocated during a run must be freed at the end.
TorF( bool ) - returns the character T or F indicating the value of the bool argument. This allows values of logical variables to be printed in way that makes sense to people.
fixit() / broken() - code that needs to be fixed or is broken. There is clearly some overlap between the two. Typical use for fixit() would be when you see code that needs to be improved, but you don't want to deal with that now. Prepend the code with a call to fixit() and a short comment explaining what needs to be done. On the other hand, broken() is typically used when you e.g. hack the code to disable some physics or deliberately feed wrong input during testing. In that case prepend the hack with a call to broken() to assure it gets deleted after testing is complete. Also add a comment explaining what needs to be done to get back to normal behavior of the code.
TotalInsanity() - used to close clauses that cannot possibly happen.
TotalInsanityAsStub() - always calls TotalInsanity(), but in such a way that the compiler will not mark statements following it as unreachable. It pretends that it can return a value of type T, but in practice never does. This way you can use it as a stub to #define calls away that are not supported on all platforms or compilation modes (e.g. UNIX- or MPI-specific routines). Class T should match the return type of the routine you are #define-ing away. This then reduces the need for #ifdef statements and allows you to use C++ conditionals instead.
ShowMe() - generates a request to show the output to the group, along with a printout of the input stream that caused it.
These macros are set with compiler options. For most compilers the macro OPTION should be set with -DOPTION
The print macros
command will print the name and current value of many of
the available macros.
MPI_ENABLED - the generic compile-time macro that is set to enable MPI specific parts of the code. This will only work if you have MPI installed including the header files.
MPI_GRID_RUN - used to enable the MPI versions of the grid and phymir commands. It implicitly sets MPI_ENABLED.
USE_GPROF This removes the STATIC command so that all routines are global.
This means that all the cpu time is correctly ascribed to the chunk of code which used it.
However, it also means that the performance benefits of inlining are lost, so it isn't
clear whether this information is meaningful once you've done it.
Note that this only effects inlined functions, rather than things with file scope.
BOUNDS_CHECK enables array bounds checking for those arrays that use the multi_arr or flex_arr method. This is described further on the MultiArrPage page. A failed bounds check will throw an exception that is caught in the main program. This is not useful for debugging. If you want to debug a failed bounds check, type the command catch throw in the debugger (this is for gdb, possibly other debuggers too) and then run Cloudy the usual way. The abort will then be caught by the debugger at the place where the overflow happens.
NOINIT - The fact that MALLOC trashes its memory will fool valgrind / purify into believing that the allocated memory was properly initialized. So in valgrind / purify runs, compile with NOINIT to disable this behavior in order to properly detect use of uninitialized vars.
FLT_IS_DBL - Floating variables are either of type double or realnum.
The latter is defined as float in cddefines.h.
The macro FLT_IS_DBL will cause realnum to be defined as double.
_The C/C++ language assert macro_ makes it possible to confirm that nothing impossible has happened.
As an example we might assert that the kinetic temperature is positive, or even that it is
greater than the CMB temperature.
In the C/C++ language this is done with a source line that reads
assert( phycon.te > 0. );
The code will terminate if the assertion fails. The assert will exit when lower levels of optimization are used. Most compilers will remove asserts for highly optimized code. So do not use them for checking user-supplied input.
_ASSERT - the Cloudy form of the assert macro._ This should always be used instead of the plain assert() macro shown above. The default behavior is that a failed ASSERT throws a bad_assert exception (which is custom-defined in cddefines.h). This will be caught in cdMain(), where MyAssert is called and the usual error message is printed. This form allows grids to continue despite a failed assert in one of the grid models.
Since a C++ exception is thrown, alternatively you can catch it in a try-catch block. MyAssert() will not be called in that case.
So typically the exception will be caught by the main program, which is not useful for debugging since the stack will already have been unwound by then. If you want to debug a failed assert, you need to set your debugger to catch a C++ exception when it is thrown. All modern debuggers should have this option. Trapping asserts within debuggers is discussed on the AssertTrapping page.
Cloudy uses a simple formulation of the Hungarian naming convention
(Simonyi, C. 1977, Meta-Programming: A Software Production Method,
Thesis, Stanford University).
In this convention the first few characters of a variable
name indicate the type and function of that variable.
The naming convention used in the code today looks back to an under-appreciated advantage in the FORTRAN II and FORTRAN 66 languages - the fully implicit designation of variable types by the first letter of its name. The naming convention forced by early versions of FORTRAN (integers begin with i-n, real numbers begin with other characters) is still useful since the type can be determined at a glance.
_Integers_ begin with the characters i, j, k, l, m, or n.
_Counters_ begin with n. Examples include nLevel or nLoop.
_Loop indices_ are generally i, j, or k. Sometimes they are counters.
These begin with letters between a through h, and o through z. Examples include PumpRate, DestRate, or CollisIoniz.
The naming convention does not distinguish between floats and doubles.
In some cases floating numbers naturally will have names beginning with
one of the letters reserved for integers.
In this case a lower case x is
used as the first character.
Examples include xJumpDown, xMoleDen.
_Strings_ begin with "ch". Examples are chName or chReadInput.
These begin with "lg".
Examples are lgOK, lgDone.
These are of
intrinsic type bool.
Note by PvH: Should we really be using Hungarian notation? This is what Bjarne Stroustrup has to say on the subject:
"No I don't recommend "Hungarian". I regard "Hungarian" (embedding an abbreviated version of a type in a variable name) a technique that can be useful in untyped languages, but is completely unsuitable for a language that supports generic programming and object-oriented programming - both of which emphasize selection of operations based on the type an argument [has] (known to the language or to the run-time support). In this case, "building the type of an object into names" simply complicates and minimizes abstraction. To various extent, I have similar problems with every scheme that embeds information about language-technical details (e.g., scope, storage class, syntactic category) into names. I agree that in some cases, building type hints into variable names can be helpful, but in general, and especially as software evolves, this becomes a maintenance hazard and a serious detriment to good code. Avoid it as the plague."
I agree with him. When you start using templates, the whole concept of rigid typing that underlies Hungarian notation breaks down and becomes useless and even a hindrance. So should we not use it in templates? I guess we have no other choice. But what would then be the point be of using it elsewhere? If Hungarian is not used universally in the code, its usefulness is severely restricted. You have to check the type of a variable anyway.
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