A Python 3.6 compatible library to manage DNS entries registered with VentraIP.
pip install ventraip-vip-client
git clone git@github.com:cmbrad/ventraip-vip-client.git
pip install -e .
# View help for the CLI
ventraip --help
# List all domains
ventraip -u myusername -p mypassword list
# Add a domain
ventraip -u myusername -p mypassword add myhost example.com 3600 A
# Delete a domain
ventraip -u myusername -p mypassword rm myhost example.com A
from ventraip import VipClient
vip_client = VipClient()
vip_client.login(email='your email/username', password='your password')
# Fetch all domains associated with the account
domains = vip_client.domains()
for domain in domains:
# Fetch all records associated with the domain
dns_records = vip_client.dns_records(domain.internal_id)
# For each record, delete it (DANGEROUS!!!)
for dns_record in dns_records:
vip_client.remove_dns_record(domain_id=domain.internal_id, dns_record_id=dns_record.internal_id)
rm -Recurse -Force dist
python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
I have no relation to the VentraIP company and any use of this software is not endorsed by them in any way.