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Go API client for CockroachDB Cloud API


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the OpenAPI-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: 2024-09-16
  • Package version: 5.1.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.GoClientCodegen For more information, please visit


Install the package:

go get

Import the package:

import ""

Example Client Usage

// Create a default Configuration object.
clientConfig := client.NewConfiguration(apiKey)

// Create a new client.
client := client.NewClient(clientConfig)

// Create a new service.
service := client.NewService(client)

requiredPathParam = "a_cluster_id"
requiredRequest := &client.OperationRequest{...}
optionalParams := &client.OperationOptions{...}

// Execute the request
apiResponse, httpResponse, err := := service.Operation(
if err != nil {
	// Process error

if apiResponse != nil {
	respJSON, err := apiResponse.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		// Process error

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

API Method HTTP request Description
APIKeysApi CreateApiKey Post /api/v1/api-keys Create a new API Key
APIKeysApi DeleteApiKey Delete /api/v1/api-keys/{id} Delete an API Key
APIKeysApi GetApiKey Get /api/v1/api-keys/{id} Get an API Key by ID
APIKeysApi ListApiKeys Get /api/v1/api-keys List API Keys
APIKeysApi UpdateApiKey Patch /api/v1/api-keys/{id} Update an API Key
AuditLogsApi ListAuditLogs Get /api/v1/auditlogevents List audit logs
BackupRestoreApi GetBackupConfiguration Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/backups-config Get the backup configuration for a cluster
BackupRestoreApi UpdateBackupConfiguration Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/backups-config Update the backup configuration for a cluster
BillingApi GetInvoice Get /api/v1/invoices/{invoice_id} Get a specific invoice for an organization
BillingApi ListInvoices Get /api/v1/invoices List invoices for a given organization
ClientCACertificatesApi DeleteClientCACert Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/client-ca-cert Delete Client CA Cert for a cluster
ClientCACertificatesApi GetClientCACert Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/client-ca-cert Get Client CA Cert information for a cluster
ClientCACertificatesApi SetClientCACert Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/client-ca-cert Set Client CA Cert for a cluster
ClientCACertificatesApi UpdateClientCACert Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/client-ca-cert Update Client CA Cert for a cluster
ClustersApi CreateCluster Post /api/v1/clusters Create and initialize a new cluster
ClustersApi DeleteCluster Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id} Delete a cluster and all of its data
ClustersApi GetCluster Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id} Get extended information about a cluster
ClustersApi GetConnectionString Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/connection-string Get a formatted generic connection string for a cluster
ClustersApi ListAvailableRegions Get /api/v1/clusters/available-regions List the regions available for new clusters and nodes
ClustersApi ListClusterNodes Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/nodes List nodes for a cluster
ClustersApi ListClusters Get /api/v1/clusters List clusters owned by an organization
ClustersApi ListMajorClusterVersions Get /api/v1/cluster-versions List available major cluster versions
ClustersApi UpdateCluster Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id} Scale, edit or upgrade a cluster
CustomerManagedEncryptionKeysApi EnableCMEKSpec Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/cmek Enable CMEK for a cluster
CustomerManagedEncryptionKeysApi GetCMEKClusterInfo Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/cmek Get CMEK-related information for a cluster
CustomerManagedEncryptionKeysApi UpdateCMEKSpec Put /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/cmek Enable or update the CMEK spec for a cluster
CustomerManagedEncryptionKeysApi UpdateCMEKStatus Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/cmek Update the CMEK-related status for a cluster
DatabasesApi CreateDatabase Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/databases Create a new database
DatabasesApi DeleteDatabase Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/databases/{name} Delete a database
DatabasesApi EditDatabase Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/databases/{name} Update a database
DatabasesApi EditDatabase2 Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/databases Update a database
DatabasesApi ListDatabases Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/databases List databases for a cluster
EgressRulesApi AddEgressRule Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/egress-rules Add an egress rule
EgressRulesApi DeleteEgressRule Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/egress-rules/{rule_id} Delete an existing egress rule
EgressRulesApi EditEgressRule Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/egress-rules/{rule_id} Edit an existing egress rule
EgressRulesApi GetEgressRule Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/egress-rules/{rule_id} Get an existing egress rule
EgressRulesApi ListEgressRules Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/egress-rules List all egress rules associated with a cluster
EgressRulesApi SetEgressTrafficPolicy Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/egress-rules/egress-traffic-policy Outbound traffic management
FoldersApi CreateFolder Post /api/v1/folders Create a folder
FoldersApi DeleteFolder Delete /api/v1/folders/{folder_id} Delete a folder
FoldersApi GetFolder Get /api/v1/folders/{folder_id} Get folder info for a folder
FoldersApi ListFolderContents Get /api/v1/folders/{folder_id}/contents List contents of a folder
FoldersApi ListFolders Get /api/v1/folders List folders owned by an organization
FoldersApi UpdateFolder Patch /api/v1/folders/{folder_id} Update a folder
IPAllowlistsApi AddAllowlistEntry Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/allowlist Add a new CIDR address to the IP allowlist
IPAllowlistsApi AddAllowlistEntry2 Put /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/allowlist/{cidr_ip}/{cidr_mask} Add a new CIDR address to the IP allowlist
IPAllowlistsApi DeleteAllowlistEntry Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/allowlist/{cidr_ip}/{cidr_mask} Delete an IP allowlist entry
IPAllowlistsApi ListAllowlistEntries Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/allowlist Get the IP allowlist and propagation status for a cluster
IPAllowlistsApi UpdateAllowlistEntry Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/allowlist/{cidr_ip}/{cidr_mask} Update an IP allowlist entry
JWTIssuersApi AddJWTIssuer Post /api/v1/jwt-issuers Add a JWT Issuer
JWTIssuersApi DeleteJWTIssuer Delete /api/v1/jwt-issuers/{id} Delete a JWT Issuer
JWTIssuersApi GetJWTIssuer Get /api/v1/jwt-issuers/{id} Get a JWT Issuer
JWTIssuersApi ListJWTIssuers Get /api/v1/jwt-issuers List all JWT Issuers
JWTIssuersApi UpdateJWTIssuer Patch /api/v1/jwt-issuers/{id} Update a JWT Issuer
LogExportApi DeleteLogExport Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/logexport Delete the Log Export configuration for a cluster
LogExportApi EnableLogExport Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/logexport Create or update the Log Export configuration for a cluster
LogExportApi GetLogExportInfo Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/logexport Get the Log Export configuration for a cluster
MaintenanceWindowsApi DeleteMaintenanceWindow Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/maintenance-window Delete the maintenance window for a cluster
MaintenanceWindowsApi GetMaintenanceWindow Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/maintenance-window Get the maintenance window for a cluster
MaintenanceWindowsApi SetMaintenanceWindow Put /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/maintenance-window Set the maintenance window for a cluster
MetricExportApi DeleteCloudWatchMetricExport Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/cloudwatch Delete the CloudWatch Metric Export configuration for a cluster
MetricExportApi DeleteDatadogMetricExport Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/datadog Delete the Datadog Metric Export configuration for a cluster
MetricExportApi DeletePrometheusMetricExport Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/prometheus Disable Prometheus Metric Export for a cluster
MetricExportApi EnableCloudWatchMetricExport Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/cloudwatch Create or update the CloudWatch Metric Export configuration for a cluster
MetricExportApi EnableDatadogMetricExport Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/datadog Create or update the Datadog Metric Export configuration for a cluster
MetricExportApi EnablePrometheusMetricExport Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/prometheus Enable Prometheus Metric Export for a cluster
MetricExportApi GetCloudWatchMetricExportInfo Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/cloudwatch Get the CloudWatch Metric Export configuration for a cluster
MetricExportApi GetDatadogMetricExportInfo Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/datadog Get the Datadog Metric Export configuration for a cluster
MetricExportApi GetPrometheusMetricExportInfo Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/metricexport/prometheus Get the Prometheus Metric Export configuration for a cluster
OrganizationsApi GetOrganizationInfo Get /api/v1/organization Get information about the caller's organization
PhysicalClusterReplicationApi CreateReplicationStream Post /api/v1/replication-streams Create a replication stream
PhysicalClusterReplicationApi GetReplicationStream Get /api/v1/replication-streams/{id} Get a replication stream
PhysicalClusterReplicationApi ListReplicationStreams Get /api/v1/replication-streams List replication streams
PhysicalClusterReplicationApi UpdateReplicationStream Patch /api/v1/replication-streams/{id} Update a replication stream
PrivateEndpointServicesApi AddPrivateEndpointConnection Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-connections Add a connection to a cluster's private endpoint service.
PrivateEndpointServicesApi AddPrivateEndpointTrustedOwner Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-trusted-owners Add a private endpoint trusted owner to a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi CreatePrivateEndpointServices Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-services Create all PrivateEndpointServices for a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi DeletePrivateEndpointConnection Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-connections/{endpoint_id} Delete a connection from a cluster's private endpoint service.
PrivateEndpointServicesApi GetPrivateEndpointTrustedOwner Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-trusted-owners/{owner_id} Get a private endpoint trusted owner entry for a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi ListAwsEndpointConnections Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/aws-endpoint-connections List all AwsEndpointConnections for a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi ListPrivateEndpointConnections Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-connections List all connections to a cluster's private endpoint service.
PrivateEndpointServicesApi ListPrivateEndpointServices Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-services List all PrivateEndpointServices for a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi ListPrivateEndpointTrustedOwners Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-trusted-owners List all private endpoint trusted owners for a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi RemovePrivateEndpointTrustedOwner Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/private-endpoint-trusted-owners/{owner_id} Remove a private endpoint trusted owner from a cluster
PrivateEndpointServicesApi SetAwsEndpointConnectionState Patch /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/networking/aws-endpoint-connections/{endpoint_id} Set the AWS Endpoint Connection state
RoleManagementApi AddUserToRole Post /api/v1/roles/{user_id}/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/{role_name} Add a role to a user or service account
RoleManagementApi GetAllRolesForUser Get /api/v1/roles/{user_id} Get all Role Grants for a user
RoleManagementApi GetPersonUsersByEmail Get /api/v1/users/persons-by-email Search person users by email address
RoleManagementApi ListRoleGrants Get /api/v1/roles List all RoleGrants
RoleManagementApi RemoveUserFromRole Delete /api/v1/roles/{user_id}/{resource_type}/{resource_id}/{role_name} Remove a role from a user or service account
RoleManagementApi SetRolesForUser Put /api/v1/roles/{user_id} Replace the roles for a user or service account with exactly those provided
SCIMApi CreateGroup Post /api/scim/v2/Groups Create a group
SCIMApi CreateUser Post /api/scim/v2/Users Create a user
SCIMApi DeleteGroup Delete /api/scim/v2/Groups/{id} Delete a group based on ID
SCIMApi DeleteUser Delete /api/scim/v2/Users/{id} Delete a user based on ID
SCIMApi GetGroup Get /api/scim/v2/Groups/{id} Get a group by ID
SCIMApi GetGroup2 Put /api/scim/v2/Groups/{id}/.search Search a group by ID (Deprecated)
SCIMApi GetGroups Get /api/scim/v2/Groups List groups
SCIMApi GetGroups2 Put /api/scim/v2/Groups/.search Search groups (Deprecated)
SCIMApi GetResourceType Get /api/scim/v2/ResourceTypes/{resourceId} Get a SCIM resource type by ID
SCIMApi GetResourceTypes Get /api/scim/v2/ResourceTypes List the SCIM resource types
SCIMApi GetSchema Get /api/scim/v2/Schemas/{schemaId} Get a SCIM schema by ID
SCIMApi GetSchemas Get /api/scim/v2/Schemas List the SCIM schemas
SCIMApi GetServiceProviderConfig Get /api/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig Return the SCIM Service Provider configuration
SCIMApi GetUser Get /api/scim/v2/Users/{id} Get a user by ID
SCIMApi GetUser2 Put /api/scim/v2/Users/{id}/.search Search for a user by ID (Deprecated)
SCIMApi GetUsers Get /api/scim/v2/Users List Users
SCIMApi GetUsers2 Put /api/scim/v2/Users/.search Search User (Deprecated)
SCIMApi SearchGroup Post /api/scim/v2/Groups/{id}/.search Search a group by ID
SCIMApi SearchGroups Post /api/scim/v2/Groups/.search Search groups
SCIMApi SearchUser Post /api/scim/v2/Users/{id}/.search Search for a user by ID
SCIMApi SearchUsers Post /api/scim/v2/Users/.search Search Users
SCIMApi UpdateGroup Put /api/scim/v2/Groups/{id} Update a group by supplying all values of the user object
SCIMApi UpdateUser Put /api/scim/v2/Users/{id} Update a user by supplying all values of the user object
SQLUsersApi CreateSQLUser Post /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/sql-users Create a new SQL user
SQLUsersApi DeleteSQLUser Delete /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/sql-users/{name} Delete a SQL user
SQLUsersApi ListSQLUsers Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/sql-users List SQL users for a cluster
SQLUsersApi UpdateSQLUserPassword Put /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/sql-users/{name}/password Update a SQL user's password
ServiceAccountsApi CreateServiceAccount Post /api/v1/service-accounts Create a service account
ServiceAccountsApi DeleteServiceAccount Delete /api/v1/service-accounts/{id} Delete a service account
ServiceAccountsApi GetServiceAccount Get /api/v1/service-accounts/{id} Get a service account by ID
ServiceAccountsApi ListServiceAccounts Get /api/v1/service-accounts List service accounts for an organization
ServiceAccountsApi UpdateServiceAccount Patch /api/v1/service-accounts/{id} Update a service account
VersionDeferralApi GetClusterVersionDeferral Get /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/version-deferral Get the version upgrade deferral policy for a cluster.
VersionDeferralApi SetClusterVersionDeferral Put /api/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/version-deferral Set the version upgrade deferral policy for a cluster
