- This will NOT deploy on Github Pages, Netlify, Vercel, Gitlab Pages or any other static host
- This will NOT work on Render
Lots and lots of games
Multiple Proxy "Backends":
- MotorTruck1221 - Maintainer
- Rifting - Maintainer
- caracal-js - Original Creator
- Astro
- Fastify
- Ultraviolet
- Epoxy
- Libcurl.js
- Hono as a Deno native alternative to fastify. Run with command:
deno task start --server standalone
- Deno 2.0
- HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (DUH)
- - Implement Scramjet
- - Remove dependency on Fastify & switch completely to Hono
- - General codebase cleanup & remove all of the functions exisiting on
- - Games page needs to be reworked due to more games
- - i18n
- - More themes
- - Detatch from the Original repo
- main - Latest stable branch & production ready
- dev - all major changes are made here before being merged into main
- Incognito is the easiest proxy to deploy!
- Currently, there are 3 ways to deploy Incognito
- When a new version is pushed, our CI automagically builds & uploads pre-built binaries to the release.
- This enables you to:
- A. Not install any extra runtime or install any new packages
- B. Updates are easy and quick. Just download the new binary!
- First grab the current binary for your system & OS here
- Then simply run the binary!
- For example using linux:
./incognito-linux --server full
You MAY have to make the binary executable on certain systems.
- For example in Linux:
chmod +x ./incognito-linux
To see all of the CLI options & usage see: cli
- Docker is the second easiest way to run Incognito.
- Currently, Docker images are built by @motortruck1221 manually per version update.
- They can be located here: https://hub.docker.com/r/motortruck1221/incognito
- This enables:
- Automatic updates
- Easier deployment then building yourself.
- No dependencies besides docker w/compose
The Docker builds currently have 2 tags:
- Latest
- Or a pinned version of the build (eg: 1.1.7)
Currently, only Docker compose is supported. Docker without compose can be used but it's highly discouraged.
- Docker w/compose
First, create a
file and copy the example config from the repo -
Then, copy and paste the contents of the docker-compose.yml file into your own docker-compose.yml file
After that, edit the
file to your liking. -
And finally:
docker compose up
- That should fire Incognito up and you should be good!
- This is the last way to run Incognito
- Prerequisites:
- Git
- Deno 2.1.4 or newer
- Node.js & NPM
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/titaniumnetwork-dev/incognito.git
- Install all of the dependencies:
deno install --allow-scripts # This flag is here due to sharp, bufferutil and some others
- Create a
cp config.example.toml config.toml
Modify the
file to your liking. See: config -
Build the frontend
deno task build
- Start the server
deno task start --server full
- To see all of the CLI options & usage see: cli
Incognito has a built in CLI for starting and running
Currently, there are only 4 flags. And 1 extra command
- This triggers the help prompt even when other flags are passed. -
--server [full|standalone]
- Choose between the full or standalone server. This option is required otherwise, it will just show the help prompt.- Full - Uses Fastify has a built in Wisp server (via wisp server node) (recommended for self hosters)
- Standalone - Uses Hono as the server with no built in Wisp server. (recommended for a huge production instance with an external wisp server)
- These are the only two options. Anything else passed here WILL throw an error.
--config <config path>
- Use a config located somewhere else.- Useful when using the Pre-built binaries
- The path can either be absolute or relative.
- Currently the default is to only use the build with no seo enabled. This flag enables the seo build. -
- Allows for the ability to self-update the binary. Run this to self upgrade--check
check for a new version. Tells you if one is available.
- Incognito currently uses a config file in the toml format.
- An example of this file can be found here
Type | Default | Description | Can be overwritten by ENV var |
games | true |
Disables or enables the games page | - [ ] - No |
Type | Default | Description | Can be overwritten by ENV var |
port | 8000 |
Change the default port. Note: the environment var PORT takes precedence |
- [x] - Yes |
wisp | true |
Disable or enables the in built wisp server. *Note: when using the Hono server there is no built-in wisp server | - [ ] - No |
Type | Default | Description | Can be overwritten by ENV var |
SEO | false |
Change whether or not to enabled SEO | - [x] - Yes - SEO (as well via a CLI flag --seo |
DOMAIN | http://localhost:8000 |
When the both option is enable, only show the SEO stuff on this domain |
- [x] - Yes - DOMAIN |