⭐ New Features
Sample: Allow remote sample to work with TCMP being disabled - bb5e4d1
Re-add SessionType - 0b2efe5
Add the ability to bootstrap a full Coherence Node with all default services - d66d010
Sample: Allow for running HSQLDB in Server Mode
Sample: Add basic integration tests to sample - 9994170
For improved backwards compatibility: Refactor CoherenceHibernateSystemPropertyResolver - b5e7a4a
🔨 Dependency Upgrades
Upgrade Coherence version to 22.06.2 - 1dc174d
Update assertj version to 3.23.1
- c18895f
Update hibernate53 version to 5.6.12.Final
- c18895f
Update hsqldb version to 2.7.1` - c18895f
Update junit5 version to 5.9.1
- c18895f
Update logback version to 1.4.4
- c18895f
Update mockito version to 4.8.1
- c18895f
Update slf4j version to 1.7.36
- c18895f
Update spring-boot version to 2.7.5
- c18895f
Update tomcat version to 9.0.68
- c18895f
Update jackson-bom version to 2.14.0-rc3
- c18895f
📔 Documentation
Slightly reorganize documentation structure for Hibernate Cache section - c31d58a
Add documentation for Hibernate Cache properties Session Type
, Start full Cache Server
- c31d58a
🍀 Miscellaneous
Clean up dependency check suppressions in dependency-check-suppression.xml
- c18895f
Make Coherence Group Id configurable in Maven POM - 5f98803
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