Tired of writing spagetti web server code in php? This PHP web server library will solve your hassle in minutes! It's so simple that it takes about 6 lines create a web server.
You could also implement pcntl to make a multi-threaded web server!
Check /example if you need example/demo.
If you have any improvements you want to add to this library, please feel free to write it down in the issues tab!
$server = new WebServer("", 80);
$server->on("/", function($server, $client) {
$server->send($client, "<h1>Hello World!</h1>", 200);
function list:
function createHTTPServer(void);
function createHTTPSServer(string $crtPath, string $keyPath);
function on(string $requestedPath, function $callback(class $server, class $client));
function send(class $client, string $data, $int $httpcode);
function sendFile(class $client, string $file);
function redirect(class $client, string $location);
function run(void);