Namespace packages offer the huge benefit of being able to distribute parts of a large system in small, self-contained pieces. However, they can be somewhat clunky to navigate, since you end up with a large list of eggs in your egg cache, and then a seemingly endless series of directories you need to open to actually find the contents of your egg.
This recipe sets up a directory structure that mirrors the actual python namespaces, with symlinks to the egg contents. So, instead of this...:
egg-cache/ my/ egg/ one/ (contents of first egg) my.egg.two-1.0-py2.7.egg/ my/ egg/ two/ (contents of second egg) get this:
omelette/ my/ egg/ one/ (contents of first egg) two/ (contents of second egg)
You can also include non-eggified python packages in the omelette. This makes it simple to
get a single path that you can add to your PYTHONPATH
for use with specialized python environments
like when running under mod_wsgi or PyDev.
For a typical Plone buildout, with a part named instance
that uses the
recipe, the following additions to buildout.cfg
result in an omelette including all eggs used by the Zope instance:
[buildout] parts = ...(other parts)... omelette ... [omelette] recipe = collective.recipe.omelette eggs = ${instance:eggs}
The recipe supports the following options:
- eggs
- List of eggs which should be included in the omelette.
- location
- (optional) Override the directory in which the omelette is created (default is parts/[name of buildout part])
- ignore-develop
- (optional) Ignore eggs that you are currently developing (listed in ${buildout:develop}). Default is False
- ignores
- (optional) List of eggs to ignore when preparing your omelette.
- packages
- List of Python packages whose contents should be included in the omelette. Each line should be in the format
[packages_location] [target_directory], where packages_location is the real location of the packages, and
target_directory is the (relative) location where the package should be inserted into the omelette (defaults
to Products/).
packages = ${buildout:directory}/lib/python3.13/site-packages ./
- products
- (optional) List of old Zope 2-style products directories whose contents should be included in the omelette, one per line. (For backwards-compatibility -- equivalent to using packages with Products as the target directory.)
Omelette doesn't currently know how to deal with eggs that are zipped. If it encounters one, you'll see a warning something like the following:
omelette: Warning: (While processing egg elementtree) Egg contents not found at /Users/davidg/.buildout/eggs/elementtree-1.2.7_20070827_preview-py2.4.egg/elementtree. Skipping.
You can tell buildout to unzip all eggs by setting the unzip = true flag in the [buildout] section. (Note that this will only take effect for eggs downloaded after the flag is set.)
Just grab the recipe from git and run:
tox -p auto
Known issue: The tests run buildout in a separate process, so it's currently impossible to put a pdb breakpoint in the recipe and debug during the test. If you need to do this, set up another buildout which installs an omelette part and includes collective.recipe.omelette as a development egg.
There is a bugtracker on gitHub: