Tuya Open Platform—API User Guide
Tuya provides a set of HTTP APIs and signature verification logic. You need to implement the logic during when you integrate the APIs.
provides capabilities to sign a request, refresh, store, and renew a token, and encapsulate common APIs. You can quickly connect to Tuya open platform.
npm install @tuya-fe/tuya-connector
# or
yarn add @tuya-fe/tuya-connector-nodejs
import { TuyaContext } from '@tuya-fe/tuya-connector';
const tuya = new TuyaContext({
baseUrl: 'https://openapi.tuyacn.com',
accessKey: 'xx',
secretKey: 'xx',
const device = await tuya.device.detail({
device_id: 'device_id'
By default, tokenStore
is implemented based on memory. We recommend that you implement the store instance in your service. In the following code block, the Redis Store is used as an example.
// tokenStore.ts
import { TuyaTokenStorInterface, TuyaTokensSave } from '@tuya-fe/tuya-connector';
import IORedis from 'ioredis';
export class RedisTokenStore implements TuyaTokenStorInterface {
private readonly client: IORedis.Redis;
private readonly key: string;
constructor(client: IORedis.Redis, key: string = 'tuya::token') {
this.client = client;
this.key = key;
async setTokens(tokens: TuyaTokensSave): Promise<boolean> {
const res = await this.client.set(this.key, JSON.stringify(tokens));
return ! ! res;
async getAccessToken(): Promise<string | undefined> {
const jsonStr = await this.client.get(this.key) || '{}';
const tokens: TuyaTokensSave = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
return tokens && tokens.access_token;
async getRefreshToken(): Promise<string | undefined> {
const jsonStr = await this.client.get(this.key) || '{}';
const tokens: TuyaTokensSave = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
return tokens.refresh_token;
// index.ts
import { RedisTokenStore } from './tokenStore';
import IoRedis from 'ioredis';
const redis = new IoRedis();
const tuya = new TuyaContext({
baseUrl: 'https://openapi.tuyacn.com',
accessKey: 'xx',
secretKey: 'xx',
store: new RedisTokenStore(redis),
uses Axios as httpClient
by default, and exposes replaceable parameters. If necessary, you can also customize httpClient
import axios from 'axios';
import { TuyaContext } from '@tuya-fe/tuya-connector';
const tuya = new TuyaContext({
baseUrl: 'https://openapi.tuyacn.com',
accessKey: 'xx',
secretKey: 'xx',
rpc: axios
encapsulates common APIs, and declares the types of reqeust and response parameters. You can customize additional API requests.
import { TuyaContext } from '@tuya-fe/tuya-connector';
const tuya = new TuyaContext({
baseUrl: 'https://openapi.tuyacn.com',
accessKey: 'xx',
secretKey: 'xx',
const { data } = await tuya.request({
method: 'GET',
path: '/v1.0/xx',
body: {},
Apply for authorization key. On the Cloud Development Platform, you can create a project to get the access ID and access secret of the cloud application.
Global error codes. For more information, see Global Error Codes.