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International Classification of Non-profit Organisations

Commonly known as ICNPO. Source:

  • Salamon, Lester M. and Helmut K. Anheier. "The International Classification of Nonprofit Organizations: ICNPO-Revision 1, 1996." Working Papers of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, no. 19. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Institute for Policy Studies, 1996. Link


Organizations and activities in general and specialized fields of culture and recreation.

1 100 Culture and Arts

  • media and communications

    production and dissemination of information and communication; includes radio and TV stations; publishing of books, journals, newspapers, and newsletters; film production; libraries.

  • visual arts, architecture, ceramic art

    production, dissemination and display of visual arts and architecture; includes sculpture, photographic societies, painting, drawing, design centers and architectural associations.

  • performing arts

    performing arts centers, companies, and associations; includes theatres, dance, ballet, opera, orchestras, chorals and music ensembles.

  • historical, literary and humanistic societies

    promotion and appreciation of the humanities, preservation of historical and cultural artifacts, commemoration of historical events; includes historical societies, poetry and literary societies, language associations, reading promotion, war memorials, commemorative funds and associations.

  • museums

    general and specialized museums covering art, history, sciences, technology, culture.

  • zoos and aquariums

1 200 Sports

  • provision of amateur sport, training, physical fitness, and sport competition services and events; includes fitness and wellness centers.

1 300 Other Recreation and Social Clubs

  • Recreation and social clubs

    provision of recreational facilities and services to individuals and communities; includes playground associations, country clubs, men's and women's clubs, touring clubs and leisure clubs.

  • Service clubs

    membership organizations providing services to members and local communities, for example: Lions, Zonta International, Rotary Club, Kiwanis.


Organizations and activities administering, providing, promoting, conducting, supporting and servicing education and research.

2 100 Primary and Secondary Education

  • elementary, primary and secondary education

    education at elementary, primary and secondary levels; includes pre-school organizations other than day care.

2 200 Higher Education

  • higher education (university level)

    higher learning, providing academic degrees; includes universities, business management schools; law schools; medical schools.

2 300 Other Education

  • vocational/technical schools

    technical and vocational training specifically geared towards gaining employment; includes trade schools; paralegal training, secretarial schools.

  • adult/continuing education

    institutions engaged in providing education and training in addition to the formal educational system; includes schools of continuing studies, correspondence schools, night schools, sponsored literacy and reading programs.

2 400 Research

  • medical research

    research in the medical field, includes research on specific diseases, disorders, or medical disciplines.

  • science and technology

    research in the physical and life sciences, engineering and technology.

  • social sciences, policy studies

    research and analysis in the social sciences and policy area.


Organizations that engage in health related activities, providing health care, both general and specialized services, administration of health care services, and health support services.

3 100 Hospitals and Rehabilitation

  • hospitals

    primarily inpatient medical care and treatment.

  • rehabilitation

    inpatient health care and rehabilitative therapy to individuals suffering from physical impairments due to injury, genetic defect or disease and requiring extensive physiotherapy or similar forms of care.

3 200 Nursing Homes

  • nursing homes

    inpatient convalescent care, residential care as well as primary health care services; includes homes for the frail elderly, nursing homes for the severely handicapped.

3 300 Mental Health and Crisis Intervention

  • psychiatric hospitals

    inpatient care and treatment for the mentally ill.

  • mental health treatment

    outpatient treatment for mentally ill patients; includes community mental health centers, and halfway homes.

  • crisis intervention

    out patient services and counsel in acute mental health situations; includes suicide prevention and support to victims of assault and abuse.

3 400 Other Health Services

  • public health and wellness education

    public health promoting and health education; includes sanitation screening for potential health hazards, first aid training and services and family planning services.

  • health treatment, primarily outpatient

    organizations that provide primarily outpatient health services--e.g., health clinics, vaccination centers.

  • rehabilitative medical services

    outpatient therapeutic care; includes nature cure centres, yoga clinics, physical therapy centers.

  • emergency medical services

    services to persons in need of immediate care, includes ambulatory services and paramedical emergency care, shock/trauma programs and lifeline programs; ambulance services.


Organizations and institutions providing human and social services to a community or target population.

4 100 Social Services

  • child welfare, child services, day care

    services to children, adoption services, child development centers, foster care; includes infant care centers and nurseries.

  • youth services and youth welfare

    services to youth; includes delinquency prevention services, teen pregnancy prevention, drop-out prevention, youth centers and clubs, job programs for youth; includes YMCA, YWCA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

  • family services

    services to families, includes family life/parent education, single parent agencies and services, family violence shelters and services.

  • services for the handicapped

    services for the handicapped; includes homes, other than nursing homes; transport facilities, recreation and other specialized services.

  • services for the elderly

    organizations providing geriatric care; includes in-home services, homemaker services, transport facilities, recreation, meal programs and other services geared towards senior citizens. (Does not include residential nursing homes.)

  • self-help and other personal social services

    programs and services for self-help and development; includes support groups, personal counseling, credit counseling/money management services.

4 200 Emergency and Relief

  • disaster/emergency prevention and control

    organizations that work to prevent, predict, control, and alleviate the effects of disasters, to educate or otherwise prepare individuals to cope with the effects of disasters, or provide relief to disaster victims; includes volunteer fire departments, life boat services, etc.

  • temporary shelters

    organizations providing temporary shelters to the homeless; includes travelers aid, and temporary housing.

  • refugee assistance

    organizations providing food, clothing, shelter and services to refugees and immigrants.

4 300 Income Support and Maintenance

  • income support and maintenance

    organizations providing cash assistance and other forms of direct services to persons unable to maintain a livelihood.

  • material assistance

    organizations providing food, clothing, transport and other forms of assistance; includes food banks and clothing distribution centers.


Organizations promoting and providing services in environmental conservation, pollution control and prevention, environmental education and health, and animal protection.

5 100 Environment

  • pollution abatement and control

    organizations that promote clean air, clean water, reducing and preventing noise pollution, radiation control, hazardous wastes and toxic substances, solid waste management, recycling programs, and global warming.

  • natural resources conservation and protection

    conservation and preservation of natural resources, including land, water, energy and plant resources for the general use and enjoyment of the public.

  • environmental beautification and open spaces

    botanical gardens, arboreta, horticultural programs and landscape services; includes organizations promoting anti-litter campaigns, programs to preserve the parks, green spaces and open spaces in urban or rural areas, and city and highway beautification programs.

5 200 Animal Protection

  • animal protection and welfare

    animal protection and welfare services; includes animal shelters and humane societies.

  • wildlife preservation and protection

    wildlife preservation and protection; includes sanctuaries and refuges.

  • veterinary services

    animal hospitals and services providing care to farm and household animals and pets.


Organizations promoting programs and providing services to help improve communities and the economic and social well being of society.

6 100 Economic, Social and Community Development

  • community and neighborhood organizations

    organizations working towards improving the quality of life within communities or neighborhoods--e.g., squatters' associations, local development organizations, poor people's cooperatives.

  • economic development

    programs and services to improve economic infrastructure and capacity; includes building of infrastructure like roads, and financial services such as credit and savings associations, entrepreneurial programs, technical and managerial consulting, and rural development assistance.

  • social development

    organizations working towards improving the institutional infrastructure and capacity to alleviate social problems and to improve general public well being.

6 200 Housing

  • housing association

    development, construction, management, leasing, financing and rehabilitation of housing.

  • housing assistance

    organizations providing housing search, legal services and related assistance.

6 300 Employment and Training

  • job training programs

    organizations providing and supporting apprenticeship programs, internships, on-the-job training, and other training programs.

  • vocational counseling and guidance

    vocational training and guidance, career counseling, testing, and related services.

  • vocational rehabilitation and sheltered workshops

    organizations that promote self sufficiency and income generation through job training and employment.


Organizations and groups that work to protect and promote civil and other rights, or advocate the social and political interests of general or special constituencies, offer legal services and promote public safety.

7 100 Civic and Advocacy Organizations

  • advocacy organizations

    organizations that protect the rights and promote the interest of specific groups of people--e.g., the physically handicapped, the elderly, children, and women.

  • civil rights associations

    organizations that work to protect or preserve individual civil liberties and human rights.

  • ethnic associations

    organizations that promote the interests of, or provide services to, members belonging to a specific ethnic heritage.

  • civic associations

    programs and services to encourage and spread civic mindedness.

7 200 Law and Legal Services

  • legal services

    legal services, advice and assistance in dispute resolution and court related matters.

  • crime prevention and public safety

    crime prevention to promote safety and precautionary measures among citizens.

  • rehabilitation of offenders

    programs and services to reintegrate offenders; includes half way houses, probation and parole programs, prison alternatives.

  • victim support

    services, counsel and advice to victims of crime.

  • consumer protection associations

    protection of consumer rights, and the improvement of product control and quality.

7 300 Political Organizations

  • political parties and organizations

    activities and services to support the placing of particular candidates into political office; includes dissemination of information, public relations and political fundraising.


Philanthropic organizations and organizations promoting charity and charitable activities.

8 100 Philanthropic Intermediaries and Voluntarism Promotion

  • grantmaking foundations

    private foundations; including corporate foundations, community foundations and independent public-law foundations.

  • voluntarism promotion and support

    organizations that recruit, train, and place volunteers, and promote volunteering.

  • fund-raising organizations

    federated, collective fund-raising organizations; includes lotteries.


Organizations promoting greater intercultural understanding between peoples of different countries and historical backgrounds and also those providing relief during emergencies and promoting development and welfare abroad.

9 100 International Activities

  • exchange/friendship/cultural programs

    programs and services designed to encourage mutual respect and friendship internationally.

  • development assistance associations

    programs and projects that promote social and economic development abroad.

  • international disaster and relief organizations

    organizations that collect, channel and provide aid to other countries during times of disaster or emergency.

  • international human rights and peace organizations

    organizations which promote and monitor human rights and peace internationally.


Organizations promoting religious beliefs and administering religious services and rituals; includes churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, shrines, seminaries, monasteries, and similar religious institutions, in addition to related associations and auxiliaries of such organizations.

10 100 Religious Congregations and Associations

  • congregations

    churches, synagogues, temples, mosques, shrines, monasteries, seminaries and similar organizations promoting religious beliefs and administering religious services and rituals.

  • associations of congregations

    associations and auxiliaries of religious congregations and organizations supporting and promoting religious beliefs, services and rituals.


Organizations promoting, regulating and safeguarding business, professional and labor interests.

11 100 Business and Professional Associations, Unions

  • business associations

    organizations that work to promote, regulate and safeguard the interests of special branches of business--e.g., manufacturers' association, farmers' association, bankers' association.

  • professional associations

    organizations promoting, regulating, and protecting professional interests--e.g., bar association, medical association.

  • labor unions

    organizations that promote, protect and regulate the rights and interests of employees.


12 100 N.E.C.

  • Not elsewhere classified