First of all, thank you for considering contributing to Cisco WLC pythonizer project.
It’s people like you that can make this tool much better that I can ever imagine.
That is my primary goal for publishing the code of this project - to make people use it and contribute to it.
- Suggest a feature (good)
- Share your function to add in the library (much better)
- Report a bug (good)
- Fix a bug (much better)
- Add config section to parser
Try to follow these guidelines to suggest a feature:
- describe your use case or problem you are trying to solve
- show how it can be useful to other users
- add the function via...
Please, follow these guidelines to report issues:
- Describe the issue
- Describe the actual steps leading to the issue, include as many details a possible
- Attach log file written during the issue (wlc-pythonizer.log from root folder)
- Describe your environment (PC, OS version, Python version, libraries version)
Collaboration via github tools is the preferred way, so open the issue, make pull request, fork, star etc.