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reusable logic to derive human readable names
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abyrd committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent b8f359a commit b4933c6
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Showing 3 changed files with 105 additions and 103 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -6,16 +6,17 @@
import com.conveyal.analysis.models.AnalysisRequest;
import com.conveyal.analysis.models.Model;
import com.conveyal.analysis.models.OpportunityDataset;
import com.conveyal.analysis.models.RegionalAnalysis;
import com.conveyal.file.UrlWithHumanName;
import com.conveyal.analysis.persistence.Persistence;
import com.conveyal.analysis.results.CsvResultType;
import com.conveyal.analysis.util.JsonUtil;
import com.conveyal.file.FileStorage;
import com.conveyal.file.FileStorageFormat;
import com.conveyal.file.FileStorageKey;
import com.conveyal.file.FileUtils;
import com.conveyal.file.UrlWithHumanName;
import com.conveyal.r5.analyst.FreeFormPointSet;
import com.conveyal.r5.analyst.Grid;
import com.conveyal.r5.analyst.PointSet;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,7 +45,6 @@
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -168,20 +168,33 @@ private int getIntQueryParameter (Request req, String parameterName, int default

* Associate a storage key with a human-readable name.
* Currently, this record type is only used within the RegionalAnalysisController class.
private record HumanKey(FileStorageKey storageKey, String humanName) { };

* Get a regional analysis results raster for a single (percentile, cutoff, destination) combination, in one of
* several image file formats. This method was factored out for use from two different API endpoints, one for
* fetching a single grid, and another for fetching grids for all combinations of parameters at once.
* It returns the unique FileStorageKey for those results, associated with a non-unique human-readable name.
private FileStorageKey getSingleCutoffGrid (
private HumanKey getSingleCutoffGrid (
RegionalAnalysis analysis,
int cutoffIndex,
String destinationPointSetId,
OpportunityDataset destinations,
int cutoffMinutes,
int percentile,
FileStorageFormat fileFormat
) throws IOException {
String regionalAnalysisId = analysis._id;
int cutoffMinutes = analysis.cutoffsMinutes != null ? analysis.cutoffsMinutes[cutoffIndex] : analysis.cutoffMinutes;
final String regionalAnalysisId = analysis._id;
final String destinationPointSetId = destinations._id;
// Selecting the zeroth cutoff still makes sense for older analyses that don't allow an array of N cutoffs.
int cutoffIndex = 0;
if (analysis.cutoffsMinutes != null) {
cutoffIndex = new TIntArrayList(analysis.cutoffsMinutes).indexOf(cutoffMinutes);
checkState(cutoffIndex >= 0);
"Returning {} minute accessibility to pointset {} (percentile {}) for regional analysis {} in format {}.",
cutoffMinutes, destinationPointSetId, percentile, regionalAnalysisId, fileFormat
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -244,69 +257,40 @@ private FileStorageKey getSingleCutoffGrid (

fileStorage.moveIntoStorage(singleCutoffFileStorageKey, localFile);
return singleCutoffFileStorageKey;
String analysisHumanName = humanNameForEntity(analysis);
String destinationHumanName = humanNameForEntity(destinations);
String resultHumanFilename = filenameCleanString(
String.format("%s_%s_P%d_C%d", analysisHumanName, destinationHumanName, percentile, cutoffMinutes)
) + "." + fileFormat.extension.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
// Note that the returned human filename already contains the appropriate extension.
return new HumanKey(singleCutoffFileStorageKey, resultHumanFilename);

private Object getAllRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws IOException {
// Get the UUID of the regional analysis for which we want the output data.
final String regionalAnalysisId = req.params("_id");
final UserPermissions userPermissions = UserPermissions.from(req);
RegionalAnalysis analysis = Persistence.regionalAnalyses.findPermitted(
if (analysis == null || analysis.deleted) {
throw AnalysisServerException.notFound("The specified regional analysis is unknown or has been deleted.");
final RegionalAnalysis analysis = getAnalysis(regionalAnalysisId, userPermissions);
if (analysis.cutoffsMinutes == null || analysis.travelTimePercentiles == null || analysis.destinationPointSetIds == null) {
throw AnalysisServerException.badRequest("Batch result download is not available for legacy regional results.");
if (analysis.request.originPointSetKey != null) {
throw AnalysisServerException.badRequest("Batch result download only available for gridded origins.");
FileStorageKey zippedResultsKey = new FileStorageKey(RESULTS, analysis._id + "");
// Keep only alphanumeric characters and underscores from user-specified analysis name.
String friendlyAnalysisName = filenameCleanString(;
if (!fileStorage.exists(zippedResultsKey)) {
List<FileStorageKey> fileStorageKeys = new ArrayList<>();
if (analysis.cutoffsMinutes == null || analysis.travelTimePercentiles == null || analysis.destinationPointSetIds == null) {
throw AnalysisServerException.badRequest("Batch result download is not available for legacy regional results.");
// Map from cryptic UUIDs to human-readable strings that can replace them.
Map<String, String> friendlyReplacements = new HashMap<>();
// Replace the regional analysis ID with its name.
friendlyReplacements.put(analysis._id, friendlyAnalysisName);
// Replace each destination point set ID with its name.
int d = 0;
for (String destinationPointSetId : analysis.destinationPointSetIds) {
OpportunityDataset opportunityDataset = Persistence.opportunityDatasets.findByIdIfPermitted(
checkNotNull(opportunityDataset, "Opportunity dataset could not be found in database.");
// Avoid name collisions, prepend an integer.
String friendlyDestinationName = "D%d_%s".formatted(d++, filenameCleanString(;
friendlyReplacements.put(destinationPointSetId, friendlyDestinationName);
// Iterate over all combinations and generate one geotiff grid output for each one.
// TODO check whether origins are freeform: if (analysis.request.originPointSetKey == null) ?
// Iterate over all dest, cutoff, percentile combinations and generate one geotiff grid output for each one.
List<HumanKey> humanKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (String destinationPointSetId : analysis.destinationPointSetIds) {
for (int cutoffIndex = 0; cutoffIndex < analysis.cutoffsMinutes.length; cutoffIndex++) {
OpportunityDataset destinations = getDestinations(destinationPointSetId, userPermissions);
for (int cutoffMinutes : analysis.cutoffsMinutes) {
for (int percentile : analysis.travelTimePercentiles) {
FileStorageKey fileStorageKey = getSingleCutoffGrid(
HumanKey gridKey = getSingleCutoffGrid(
analysis, destinations, cutoffMinutes, percentile, FileStorageFormat.GEOTIFF
// Also include any CSV files that were generated. TODO these are gzipped, decompress and re-compress.
// for (String csvStorageName : analysis.resultStorage.values()) {
//"Including {} in results zip file.", csvStorageName);
// FileStorageKey csvKey = new FileStorageKey(RESULTS, csvStorageName);
// fileStorageKeys.add(csvKey);
// }
File tempZipFile = File.createTempFile("regional", ".zip");
// Zipfs can't open existing empty files, the file has to not exist. FIXME: Non-dangerous race condition
// Examining ZipFileSystemProvider reveals a "useTempFile" env parameter, but this is for the individual entries.
Expand All @@ -315,49 +299,68 @@ private Object getAllRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws IOExcept
Map<String, String> env = Map.of("create", "true");
URI uri = URI.create("jar:file:" + tempZipFile.getAbsolutePath());
try (FileSystem zipFilesystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(uri, env)) {
for (FileStorageKey fileStorageKey : fileStorageKeys) {
Path storagePath = fileStorage.getFile(fileStorageKey).toPath();
String nameInZip = storagePath.getFileName().toString();
// This is so inefficient but it should work.
for (String replacementKey : friendlyReplacements.keySet()) {
nameInZip = nameInZip.replace(replacementKey, friendlyReplacements.get(replacementKey));
Path zipPath = zipFilesystem.getPath(nameInZip);
for (HumanKey key : humanKeys) {
Path storagePath = fileStorage.getFile(key.storageKey).toPath();
Path zipPath = zipFilesystem.getPath(key.humanName);
Files.copy(storagePath, zipPath, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
fileStorage.moveIntoStorage(zippedResultsKey, tempZipFile);
// res.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"%s\"".formatted(humanReadableZipName));
return fileStorage.getJsonUrl(zippedResultsKey,, "zip");
String analysisHumanName = humanNameForEntity(analysis);
return fileStorage.getJsonUrl(zippedResultsKey, analysisHumanName, "zip");

* This used to extract a particular percentile of a regional analysis as a grid file.
* Given an Entity, make a human-readable name for the entity composed of its user-supplied name as well as
* the most rapidly changing digits of its ID to disambiguate in case multiple entities have the same name.
* It is also possible to find the exact entity in many web UI fields using this suffix of its ID.
private UrlWithHumanName getRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws IOException {
private static String humanNameForEntity (Model entity) {
// Most or all IDs encountered are MongoDB ObjectIDs. The first four and middle five bytes are slow-changing
// and would not disambiguate between data sets. Only the 3-byte counter at the end will be sure to change.
// See
final String id = entity._id;
checkArgument(id.length() > 6, "ID had too few characters.");
String shortId = id.substring(id.length() - 6, id.length());
String humanName = "%s_%s".formatted(filenameCleanString(, shortId);
return humanName;

// Get some path parameters out of the URL.
// The UUID of the regional analysis for which we want the output data
final String regionalAnalysisId = req.params("_id");
// FIXME It is possible that regional analysis is complete, but UI is trying to fetch gridded results when there
// aren't any (only CSV, because origins are freeform).
// How should we determine whether this analysis is expected to have no gridded results and cleanly return a 404?
FileStorageFormat format = FileStorageFormat.valueOf(req.params("format").toUpperCase());
if (!FileStorageFormat.GRID.equals(format) && !FileStorageFormat.PNG.equals(format) && !FileStorageFormat.GEOTIFF.equals(format)) {
throw AnalysisServerException.badRequest("Format \"" + format + "\" is invalid. Request format must be \"grid\", \"png\", or \"geotiff\".");
/** Fetch destination OpportunityDataset from database, followed by a check that it was present. */
private static OpportunityDataset getDestinations (String destinationPointSetId, UserPermissions userPermissions) {
OpportunityDataset opportunityDataset =
Persistence.opportunityDatasets.findByIdIfPermitted(destinationPointSetId, userPermissions);
checkNotNull(opportunityDataset, "Opportunity dataset could not be found in database.");
return opportunityDataset;

/** Fetch RegionalAnalysis from database by ID, followed by a check that it was present and not deleted. */
private static RegionalAnalysis getAnalysis (String analysisId, UserPermissions userPermissions) {
RegionalAnalysis analysis = Persistence.regionalAnalyses.findPermitted(

if (analysis == null || analysis.deleted) {
throw AnalysisServerException.notFound("The specified regional analysis is unknown or has been deleted.");
return analysis;

/** Extract a particular percentile and cutoff of a regional analysis in one of several different raster formats. */
private UrlWithHumanName getRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws IOException {
// It is possible that regional analysis is complete, but UI is trying to fetch gridded results when there
// aren't any (only CSV, because origins are freeform). How should we determine whether this analysis is
// expected to have no gridded results and cleanly return a 404?
final String regionalAnalysisId = req.params("_id");
FileStorageFormat format = FileStorageFormat.valueOf(req.params("format").toUpperCase());
if (!FileStorageFormat.GRID.equals(format) && !FileStorageFormat.PNG.equals(format) && !FileStorageFormat.GEOTIFF.equals(format)) {
throw AnalysisServerException.badRequest("Format \"" + format + "\" is invalid. Request format must be \"grid\", \"png\", or \"geotiff\".");
final UserPermissions userPermissions = UserPermissions.from(req);
RegionalAnalysis analysis = getAnalysis(regionalAnalysisId, userPermissions);

// Which channel to extract from results with multiple values per origin (for different travel time cutoffs)
// and multiple output files per analysis (for different percentiles of travel time and/or different
Expand All @@ -366,7 +369,7 @@ private UrlWithHumanName getRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws I
// For newer analyses that have multiple cutoffs, percentiles, or destination pointsets, these initial values
// are coming from deprecated fields, are not meaningful and will be overwritten below from query parameters.
int percentile = analysis.travelTimePercentile;
int cutoffIndex = 0; // For old single-cutoff outputs, we can still select the zeroth grid.
int cutoffMinutes = analysis.cutoffMinutes;
String destinationPointSetId = analysis.grid;

// Handle newer regional analyses with multiple cutoffs in an array.
Expand All @@ -375,9 +378,8 @@ private UrlWithHumanName getRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws I
if (analysis.cutoffsMinutes != null) {
int nCutoffs = analysis.cutoffsMinutes.length;
checkState(nCutoffs > 0, "Regional analysis has no cutoffs.");
int cutoffMinutes = getIntQueryParameter(req, "cutoff", analysis.cutoffsMinutes[nCutoffs / 2]);
cutoffIndex = new TIntArrayList(analysis.cutoffsMinutes).indexOf(cutoffMinutes);
checkState(cutoffIndex >= 0,
cutoffMinutes = getIntQueryParameter(req, "cutoff", analysis.cutoffsMinutes[nCutoffs / 2]);
checkArgument(new TIntArrayList(analysis.cutoffsMinutes).contains(cutoffMinutes),
"Travel time cutoff for this regional analysis must be taken from this list: (%s)",
Ints.join(", ", analysis.cutoffsMinutes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,21 +415,10 @@ private UrlWithHumanName getRegionalResults (Request req, Response res) throws I
throw AnalysisServerException.notFound("Analysis is incomplete, no results file is available.");
// Significant overhead here: UI contacts backend, backend calls S3, backend responds to UI, UI contacts S3.
FileStorageKey singleCutoffFileStorageKey = getSingleCutoffGrid(
analysis, cutoffIndex, destinationPointSetId, percentile, format
// Create alternative human-readable filename. Similar to internal storage key name, but using a shortened
// ID for the destinations and the user-specified name for the project. This project name may contain invalid
// characters, but will be sanitized by getJsonUrl. We use the end of the dataset ID rather than the beginning
// because it's more likely to be different when several datasets are created in rapid succession.
String shortDestinationId = destinationPointSetId.substring(
destinationPointSetId.length() - 5, destinationPointSetId.length()
int cutoffMinutes =
analysis.cutoffsMinutes != null ? analysis.cutoffsMinutes[cutoffIndex] : analysis.cutoffMinutes;
String rawHumanName = String.format("%s_%s_P%d_C%d",, shortDestinationId, percentile, cutoffMinutes);
OpportunityDataset destinations = getDestinations(destinationPointSetId, userPermissions);
HumanKey gridKey = getSingleCutoffGrid(analysis, destinations, cutoffMinutes, percentile, format);
return fileStorage.getJsonUrl(singleCutoffFileStorageKey, rawHumanName, format.extension.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
return fileStorage.getJsonUrl(gridKey.storageKey, gridKey.humanName);

private Object getCsvResults (Request req, Response res) {
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/main/java/com/conveyal/file/
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Expand Up @@ -99,4 +99,10 @@ default UrlWithHumanName getJsonUrl (FileStorageKey key, String rawHumanName, St
return UrlWithHumanName.fromCleanedName(url, rawHumanName, humanExtension);

/** This assumes the humanFileName is already a complete filename (cleaned and truncated with any extension). */
default UrlWithHumanName getJsonUrl (FileStorageKey key, String humanFileName) {
String url = this.getURL(key);
return new UrlWithHumanName(url, humanFileName);


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