This is a simple two-dimensional matrix library written by TypeScript that receives input options from the user.
- This is written in TypeScript
- Provides basically five patterns.
npm install awesome-matrix
import { IMatrixStrategy, RightUpwardRightTriangle, SquareMatrix } from 'awesome-matrix'
export class RightUpwardRightTriangle implements IMatrixStrategy {
public twoDimensionArrayLogic(degree: number, stringShape: string): string[][] {
const twoDimensionArray: string[][] = []
// ...
return twoDimensionArray
const rightUp = new RightUpwardRightTriangle()
rightUp.twoDimensionArrayLogic(5, '@') // => twoDimensionArrayLogic(degree, shapeCharacter)
const matrix = new SquareMatrix('&', new RightUpwardRightTriangle()) // => SquareMatrix(shapeCharacter, pattern)
matrix.executePattern(7) // => executePattern(degree)
- provided API
export { LeftDownwardRightTriangle } from 'awesome-matrix'
export { LeftUpwardRightTriangle } from 'awesome-matrix'
export { PyramidTriangle } from 'awesome-matrix'
export { RightDownwardRightTriangle } from 'awesome-matrix'
export { RightUpwardRightTriangle } from 'awesome-matrix'
export { SquareMatrix, IMatrixStrategy } from 'awesome-matrix'
import { IMatrixStrategy, SquareMatrix, LeftUpwardRightTriangle, PyramidTriangle } from 'awesome-matrix'
// get print shape '&' and pattern LeftUpward-RightTriangle
const leftUpward = new SquareMatrix('&', new LeftUpwardRightTriangle())
leftUpward.executePattern(7) // => degree : 7
// get print shape 'K' and pattern Pyramid
const pyramid = new SquareMatrix('K', new PyramidTriangle())
pyramid.executePattern(3) // => degree: 3
- help
$ matrix -h
- Usage
Usage: matrix [Option]
Option :
-h : Display this help message
-p=pattern : pattern is one of (pyramid | leftUpward | rightUpward | leftDownward | rightDownward)
-s=character : Users can choose the shape character (defaultValue -s=\*)
-d=degree : Users can set the order of array (defaultValue -d=5)
$ matrix -d=degree (default option : pattern and shapeCharacter)
$ matrix -p=patterns -s=shapeCharacter -d=degree
- Example
$ matrix
/* default matrix
$ matrix -p=leftUpward -s=# -d=6
/* conditional matrix
$ matrix -p=rightDownward -s=D
/* partial conditional matrix (degree is default(5))