From fb7267d1bdfc843b04580e1e05ef926051feffeb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philipp Woessner <>
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2020 14:08:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Text changes for the high risk description (EXPOSUREAPP-1994,
EXPOSUREAPP-1999) (#961)
* text changes for the high risk description
* text changes for the high risk description in en
* fixed an issue for number of exposure text for increased risk level
.../util/formatter/FormatterRiskHelper.kt | 12 +++++++++-
.../src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml | 23 +++++++++++++------
.../src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml | 23 +++++++++++++------
.../src/main/res/values/strings.xml | 23 +++++++++++++------
4 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/util/formatter/FormatterRiskHelper.kt b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/util/formatter/FormatterRiskHelper.kt
index 76723092365..6e87dce0b91 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/util/formatter/FormatterRiskHelper.kt
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/util/formatter/FormatterRiskHelper.kt
@@ -129,7 +129,17 @@ fun formatRiskContact(riskLevelScore: Int?, matchedKeysCount: Int?): String {
val resources = appContext.resources
val contacts = matchedKeysCount ?: 0
return when (riskLevelScore) {
- RiskLevelConstants.INCREASED_RISK,
+ RiskLevelConstants.INCREASED_RISK -> {
+ if (matchedKeysCount == 0) {
+ appContext.getString(R.string.risk_card_body_contact)
+ } else {
+ resources.getQuantityString(
+ R.plurals.risk_card_body_contact_value_high_risk,
+ contacts,
+ contacts
+ )
+ }
+ }
RiskLevelConstants.LOW_LEVEL_RISK -> {
if (matchedKeysCount == 0) {
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 0875bd31362..599eb7de369 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -144,6 +144,15 @@
- "%1$s Risiko-Begegnungen mit niedrigem Risiko"
- "%1$s Risiko-Begegnungen mit niedrigem Risiko"
+ - "%1$s Risiko-Begegnung"
+ - "%1$s Risiko-Begegnungen"
+ - "Bisher keine Risiko-Begegnungen"
+ - "%1$s Risiko-Begegnungen"
+ - "%1$s Risiko-Begegnungen"
+ - "%1$s Risiko-Begegnungen"
"Risiko-Ermittlung war für %1$s der letzten 14 Tage aktiv"
@@ -329,15 +338,15 @@
"Sie haben ein niedriges Infektionsrisiko, da keine Begegnung mit nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Personen aufgezeichnet wurde oder sich Ihre Begegnung auf kurze Zeit und einen größeren Abstand beschränkt hat."
- - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tag mindestens einer Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitraum und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
- - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitraum und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
- - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitraum und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
- - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitraum und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
- - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitraum und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
- - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitraum und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
+ - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tag mindestens einer nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitpunkt und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
+ - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitpunkt und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
+ - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitpunkt und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
+ - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitpunkt und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
+ - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitpunkt und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
+ - "Sie haben ein erhöhtes Infektionsrisiko, da Sie zuletzt vor %1$s Tagen mindestens einer nachweislich Corona-positiv getesteten Person über einen längeren Zeitpunkt und mit einem geringen Abstand begegnet sind."
- "Das Infektionsrisiko wird anhand der Daten der Risiko-Ermittlung unter Berücksichtigung von Abstand und Dauer lokal auf Ihrem Smartphone berechnet. Ihr Infektionsrisiko ist für niemanden einsehbar und wird nicht weitergegeben."
+ "Die Infektionswahrscheinlichkeit wird daher als erhöht für Sie eingestuft. Das Infektionsrisiko wird anhand der Daten der Risiko-Ermittlung unter Berücksichtigung von Abstand und Dauer lokal auf Ihrem Smartphone berechnet. Ihr Infektionsrisiko ist für niemanden einsehbar und wird nicht weitergegeben. Wenn Sie nach Hause kommen, vermeiden Sie auch Begegnungen mit Familienmitgliedern und Mitbewohnern."
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
index 3f22d43a9ab..1446f2ce127 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
@@ -146,6 +146,15 @@
- "%1$s exposures with low risk"
- "%1$s exposures with low risk"
+ - "%1$s exposure"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
+ - "No exposure up to now"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
"Exposure logging was active for %1$s of the past 14 days."
@@ -331,15 +340,15 @@
"You have a low risk of infection because no exposure to people later diagnosed with COVID-19 was logged, or because your encounters were only for a short time and at a greater distance."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s day ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s day ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- "Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."
+ "Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as increased. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else. When you get home, please also avoid close contact with members of your family or household."
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
index 1f16ff120e0..e97a5658898 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -146,6 +146,15 @@
- "%1$s exposures with low risk"
- "%1$s exposures with low risk"
+ - "%1$s exposure"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
+ - "No exposure up to now"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
+ - "%1$s exposures"
"Exposure logging was active for %1$s of the past 14 days."
@@ -331,15 +340,15 @@
"You have a low risk of infection because no exposure to people later diagnosed with COVID-19 was logged, or because your encounters were only for a short time and at a greater distance."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s day ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- - "You have a higher risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and in close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s day ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
+ - "You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."
- "Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."
+ "Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as increased. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else. When you get home, please also avoid close contact with members of your family or household."