Wechat integration for magento2 module. (alias Wexin)
##Most Important##
We are accepting your suggestions and new feature requests!
Please email us: opensource@cosmocommerce.com or sales@cosmocommerce.com.
Or you can open issues to notify us!
Wechat login
Wechat share to friends and circle
Wechat push notification and message to followers
Wechat qrcode for markeing (scan qrcode reward for inviter or offline store)
Wechat Qiye(企业号) and Wechat Work(企业微信) integration for departments,address book etc.
Wechat JSAPI
##Related Projects##
Wepay payment gateway https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-module-wepay
WEUI theme for magento2 based on mobile first https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-theme-weui
Wechat Qiye(企业号) and Work(企业微信) for magento2 https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-module-wechat-qiye-work
Wechat Apps(小程序) for magento2 https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-module-wechat-apps
##Change Log##
1.0 Not released to public
This module has the following requirements:
- PHP 5.3+ (Magento2.1 required 5.6+)
- Magneto 2.x