Wechat Qiye(企业号) and Work(企业微信) for magento2
##Most Important##
We are accepting your suggestions and new feature requests!
Please email us: opensource@cosmocommerce.com or sales@cosmocommerce.com.
Or you can open issues to notify us!
Address Book: Department,Employee(Qiye 企业号, Work 企业微信)
Application and agent: Website app(主页应用), Message app.(消息应用) (Qiye 企业号, Work 企业微信)
Menu management for message app.(消息应用)(Qiye 企业号, Work 企业微信)
Message management: Push message, events notification(Qiye 企业号, Work 企业微信)
Chatting application(Qiye 企业号会话应用): Chatting integration
Livechat application(Qiye 企业号客服应用): Both internal support and external support.
Oauth login and SSO login (Qiye 企业号, Work 企业微信)
##Use Cases##
Livechat for support
Process for OMS [Presale(external)->Place Order->Payment(internal)->Shipping(internal)->Support(external)->RMA(external)]
Customer care
Ecommerce corperation internal cooperation and communication
Marketing for distributors and sub-agencies, even build affiliate network using social commerce.
##Related Projects##
Wepay payment gateway https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-module-wepay
Wechat integration for magento2 https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-mobule-wechat
Wechat Qiye(企业号) and Work(企业微信) for magento2 https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-module-wechat-qiye-work
Wechat Apps(小程序) for magento2 https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-module-wechat-apps
WEUI mobile first theme for magento2. https://github.com/cosmocommerce/magento2-theme-weui
##Change Log##
1.0 Not released to public
This module has the following requirements:
- PHP 5.3+ (Magento2.1 required 5.6+)
- Magneto 2.x