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Merge pull request #26 from covalenthq/fixes/pre-release-1.0.0
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[BSP Agent]Fixes pre release 1.0.0
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noslav committed Jan 26, 2022
2 parents 770b07f + d249e1f commit a399bff
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Showing 12 changed files with 329 additions and 75 deletions.
24 changes: 13 additions & 11 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
@docker-compose down
@docker-compose build
@docker-compose up -d
@docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up --build --remove-orphans --force-recreate --exit-code-from consumer

@docker-compose down

@golangci-lint run

@echo "---- Building Agent from cmd/mqstoreagent ----"
@go build -o ./bin/mqstoreagent/agent ./cmd/mqstoreagent/*.go
Expand All @@ -15,11 +17,11 @@ run-agent-eth:
@echo "---- Running Agent from cmd/mqstoreagent ----"
@go run ./cmd/mqstoreagent/*.go \
--redis-url="redis://username:@localhost:6379/0?topic=replication#replicate" \
--codec-path="./codec/block-ethereum.avsc" \
--avro-codec-path="./codec/block-ethereum.avsc" \
--binary-file-path="./bin/block-ethereum/" \
--gcp-svc-account="/Users/pranay/.config/gcloud/bsp-2.json" \
--replica-bucket="covalenthq-geth-block-specimen" \
--segment-length=5 \
--segment-length=1 \
--eth-client= \
--proof-chain-address=0x3D25EBCeFC7F1E5a5664C8D6AA63Dc3D513761D6 \
Expand All @@ -28,12 +30,12 @@ run-agent-elrond:
@echo "---- Running Agent from cmd/mqstoreagent ----"
@go run ./cmd/mqstoreagent/*.go \
--redis-url="redis://username:@localhost:6379/0?topic=replication#replicate" \
--codec-path="./codec/block-elrond.avsc" \
--binary-file-path="./bin/block-elrond/" \
--gcp-svc-account="/Users/pranay/.config/gcloud/bsp.json" \
--replica-bucket="covalenthq-geth-block-specimen" \
--segment-length=5 \
--eth-client= \
--proof-chain-address=0x3D25EBCeFC7F1E5a5664C8D6AA63Dc3D513761D6 \
--avro-codec-path="./codec/block-elrond.avsc" \
--binary-file-path="./bin/block-elrond/" \
--gcp-svc-account="/Users/pranay/.config/gcloud/bsp.json" \
--replica-bucket="covalenthq-geth-block-specimen" \
--segment-length=1 \
--eth-client= \
--proof-chain-address=0x3D25EBCeFC7F1E5a5664C8D6AA63Dc3D513761D6 \
--consumer-timeout=80 \
210 changes: 165 additions & 45 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,83 @@
# BSP-agent (mq-store-agent)

Reads block-replicas (block-results, block-specimens, or any other types) produced by geth block specimen/result producers streamed into a redis stream, decodes them from RLP encoding, creates a proof transaction on a virtual chain with a sha-256 checksum of the data in the object, and persists them into object storage for a specified google bucket and saves it to a file - atomically.
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Please refer to these internal [instructions]( for running the BSP with the mq-store-agent (BSP-agent).
# BSP Agent (mq-store-agent)

Please refer to this internal [whitepaper]( to understand more about its function.
* [Introduction](#agent_intro)
* [Resources](#agent_resources)
* [Architecture](#agent_arch)
* [Block-Replica](#agent_block)
* [State-Specimen](#state_specimen)
* [Environment](#environment)
* [Build & Run](#build_run)
* [Flag Definitions](#flag_definitions)
* [Docker](#docker)
* [Scripts](#scripts)
* [Inspect](#inspect)
* [Contributing](./docs/

Externally facing validator [documentation.](
## <span id="agent_intro">Introduction</span>

Externally facing workshop [deck.](
Decodes, packs, encodes, proves, stores and uploads block-replicas (can be block-results, block-specimens, or any other pre-defined block types), which are primarily "block-specimens" produced by EVM or non-EVM byte code based blockchains.

## Architecture
These block-replicas are produced by go-ethereum nodes / websocket block data sources modified with block-specimen producers(BSP) streamed into a redis channel. The agent first decodes them from their native RLP encoding, repacks them into segments of bigger chunks containing more than one block's worth of data, creates a proof transaction on the proof-chain smart contract (also called cqt-virtnet) with a sha-256 checksum of the data contained in the object, and finally persists them into object storage (local and cloud) for a specified google bucket - atomically.

## <span id="agent_resources">Resources</span>

## Block-replica
Production of Block Specimen forms the core of the network’s data objects specification. These objects are created with the aid of three main pieces of open-source software provided by Covalent for the network’s decentralized stack.

Block Replicas are created by [BSP]( here and fed into [Redis streams](
1. [Block Specimen Producer (BSP Geth)]( - Operator run & deployed

These objects are extracted and read into the following struct by the agent. There are three types of objects currently -
1. [BSP Agent]( - Operator run & deployed

1. block-replica - have all the data shown below.
1. block-result - have all the data shown below except "State".
1. block-specimen - have all the data shown below except "TotalDifficulty", "Receipts"(&"Logs"), "Senders"
1. [BSP Proof-chain]( - Covalent operated & pre-deployed

Please refer to these [instructions]( for running the BSP with the mq-store-agent (BSP Agent).

Please refer to this [whitepaper]( to understand more about its function.

## <span id="agent_arch">Architecture</span>


## <span id="agent_block">Block-replica</span>

Block Replicas are created by the [BSP]( here and fed into [Redis streams](

These objects are extracted and read into the following struct by the agent. There are two types of block-replica objects currently -

For Ethereum -

type BlockReplica struct {
Expand All @@ -39,10 +94,25 @@ These objects are extracted and read into the following struct by the agent. The

### State-specimen
For Elrond -

type ElrondBlockReplica struct {
Block *Block
Transactions []*ElrondTransaction
SCResults []*SCResult
Receipts []*ElrondReceipt
Logs []*Log
StateChanges []*AccountBalanceUpdate

### <span id="state_specimen">State-specimen</span>

The "State" is comprised of all state information related to accounts ever touched for a given block.

For Ethereum -

type StateSpecimen struct {
AccountRead []*accountRead
Expand All @@ -66,9 +136,19 @@ The "State" is comprised of all state information related to accounts ever touch

## Environment
For Elrond -

type AccountBalanceUpdate struct {
Address []byte
Balance []byte
Nonce int64

The Eth private key allows the validator to make proof transactions to the proof-chain contract and is required. Other env vars are optional depending on your redis, eth account configuration. Add the following to your `.envrc` at the root dir with final relative path `~/mq-store-agent/envrc`
## <span id="environment">Environment</span>

An Ethereum private key (for a public address that is pre-whitelisted on the staking contract) allows block-specimen producers (operators) to make proof transactions to the proof-chain contract and is required by the mq-store-agent. Other env vars are optional depending on your redis, eth account configuration. Add the following to your `.envrc` at the root dir with final relative path `~/mq-store-agent/.envrc`

export ETH_PRIVATE_KEY=private/key/senders #required
Expand All @@ -92,41 +172,72 @@ For which you should see something like -
direnv: export +ETH_PRIVATE_KEY

## Build & Run
The remaining environment configuration is set up with flags provided to the mq-store-agent during runtime.

## <span id="build_run">Build & Run</span>

Run the agent directly with the following -
Clone the `covalenthq/mq-store-agent` repo and checkout `main`

go run ./cmd/mqstoreagent/*.go \
--redis-url="redis://username:@localhost:6379/0?topic=replication#replicate" \
--codec-path="./codec/block-replica.avsc" \
--binary-file-path="./bin/block-replica/" \
--gcp-svc-account="/Users/<user>/.config/gcloud/<gcp-service-account.json>" \
--replica-bucket="<covalenthq-geth-block-replica-bucket>" \
--segment-length=5 \
--eth-client="" \
git clone
cd mq-store-agent
git checkout main

Run the agent for (ethereum block-specimens) locally directly using the following -

go run ./cmd/mqstoreagent/*.go \
--redis-url="redis://username:@localhost:6379/0?topic=replication#replicate" \
--avro-codec-path="./codec/block-ethereum.avsc" \
--binary-file-path="./bin/block-ethereum/" \
--gcp-svc-account="/Users/<user>/.config/gcloud/<gcp-service-account.json>" \
--replica-bucket="<covalenthq-geth-block-replica-bucket>" \
--segment-length=1 \
--eth-client="" \
--proof-chain-address="0xb5B12cbe8bABAF96677F60f65317b81709062C47" \

Or update the Makefile with the correct --gcp-svc-account, --replica-bucket & --proof-chain-address and run with the following.

make run-build
make run-agent
make run-agent-eth

### Docker
### <span id="flag_definitions">Flag definitions</span>

The docker image for this service can be found [here](
--redis-url - this flag tells the BSP agent where to find the BSP messages, the stream topic key `replication` and the consumer group name with the field after "#" that in this case is `replicate`, additionally one can provide a password to the redis instance here but we recommend that by adding the line below to the .envrc

export REDIS_PWD=your-redis-pwd

Run only the mq-store-agent with the following.
`--avro-codec-path` - tells the BSP agent, the relative path to the AVRO .avsc files in the repo, since the agent ships with the corresponding .avsc files this remains fixed unless stated otherwise explicitly with another codec

docker pull
docker run
`--binary-file-path` - tells the BSP agent if local copies of the block-replica objects being created are to be stored in a given local directory. Please make sure the path (& directory) pre-exists before passing this flag

`--gcp-svc-account` - sets the full path to the .json credentials file to the service account for the gcp bucket where the objects can be persisted

`--replica-bucket` - lets the BSP agent know the “bucket-name” for cloud storage of block replica specimens/results (currently only google cloud storege is supported)

`--segment-length` - allows the BSP operator to configure the size of each uploaded object (AVRO compression containing as many as specified block specimens in a single uploaded object)

`--eth-client` - specifies the ethereum client connection string used to make transactions to on proof-chain contract, the respective credentials to be able to write to the contract should be provided in the .envrc file as follows

export ETH_PRIVATE_KEY=cef7c71eac8558cc2953a519f80f0cb2541e15a3b0760e848895a78fd842d5a5

Use `docker-compose` to get all the necessary services along with to also get running along with the mq-store-agent with the following from root. The other services are -
`--proof-chain-address` - specifies the address of the proof-chain contract that has been deployed for the CQT network (local ethereum network for this workflow).

`--consumer-timeout` - specifies in how many seconds the BSP agent stops waiting for new messages from the redis pending queue for decode, pack, encode, proof, store and upload.

## <span id="docker">Docker</span>

Please install [docker and docker-compose](

Employ `docker-compose` to get all the necessary services along with the BSP agent to also get running along with the following, from root. Add a file (if needed) to accomodate the env vars. The other services are -

1. redis-srv (Open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store)
1. redis-commander-web (Redis web management tool written in node.js)
Expand All @@ -135,18 +246,27 @@ Use `docker-compose` to get all the necessary services along with to also get ru

cd mq-store-agent
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" up --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
docker-compose -f "docker-compose.yml" --env-file up --build --remove-orphans --force-recreate --exit-code-from consumer

The docker image for this service can be found [here](

Run only the mq-store-agent with the following, though this will not work if the other services in the docker-compose.yml file aren't also initialized.

docker pull
docker run --env-file

## Scripts
## <span id="scripts">Scripts</span>


There are two lua scripts in `/scripts` for usage with the `redis-cli`.

1. redis-count.lua - This allows for counting of total stream messages within bounds.

-- call with params [stream-key] , [first-stream-id] [last-stream-id]
-- call with params [stream-key] , [first-stream-id] [last-stream-id]
-- get to the ids with XINFO STREAM [stream-key]

Expand All @@ -164,15 +284,15 @@ There are two lua scripts in `/scripts` for usage with the `redis-cli`.
> (integer) 5

### Inspect
### <span id="inspect">Inspect</span>

To view pretty print the results from the creation of avro encoded block-replica files

go run extractor.go \
--binary-file-path="../bin/block-replica/" \
--codec-path="../codec/block-replica.avsc" \
--binary-file-path="../bin/block-ethereum/" \
--avro-codec-path="../codec/block-ethereum.avsc" \

Please make sure that the --binary-file-path and --codec-path matches the ones given while running the agent above. --indent-json (0,1,2) can be used to pretty print and inspect the AVRO json objects.
Please make sure that the --binary-file-path and --avro-codec-path matches the ones given while running the agent above. --indent-json (0,1,2) can be used to pretty print and inspect the AVRO json objects.
Binary file removed arch.png
Binary file not shown.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions cmd/mqstoreagent/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ var (

// env flag vars
consumerPendingTimeoutFlag = 60 // defaults to 1 min
segmentLengthFlag = 5 // defaults to 5 blocks per segment
codecPathFlag string
segmentLengthFlag = 1 // defaults to 1 block per segment
avroCodecPathFlag string
redisURLFlag string
replicaBucketFlag string
gcpSvcAccountFlag string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func init() {

func main() {
flag.StringVar(&redisURLFlag, "redis-url", utils.LookupEnvOrString("RedisURL", redisURLFlag), "redis consumer stream url")
flag.StringVar(&codecPathFlag, "codec-path", utils.LookupEnvOrString("CodecPath", codecPathFlag), "local path to AVRO .avsc files housing the specimen/result schemas")
flag.StringVar(&avroCodecPathFlag, "avro-codec-path", utils.LookupEnvOrString("CodecPath", avroCodecPathFlag), "local path to AVRO .avsc files housing the specimen/result schemas")
flag.StringVar(&binaryFilePathFlag, "binary-file-path", utils.LookupEnvOrString("BinaryFilePath", binaryFilePathFlag), "local path to AVRO encoded binary files that contain block-replicas")
flag.StringVar(&gcpSvcAccountFlag, "gcp-svc-account", utils.LookupEnvOrString("GcpSvcAccount", gcpSvcAccountFlag), "local path to google cloud platform service account auth file")
flag.StringVar(&replicaBucketFlag, "replica-bucket", utils.LookupEnvOrString("ReplicaBucket", replicaBucketFlag), "google cloud platform object store target for specimen")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to get ethereum client from Eth client flag: %v", err)
replicaAvro, err := avro.ParseSchemaFile(codecPathFlag)
replicaAvro, err := avro.ParseSchemaFile(avroCodecPathFlag)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to parse avro schema for specimen from codec path flag: %v", err)
Expand Down

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