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Davide Conzon edited this page Mar 17, 2020 · 35 revisions

This project provides a serial of APIs used for the interaction of three main components (Simulation and Optimization Orchestrator, Optimization Tool and Simulation Manager) based on parameter optimization in the distributed architecture of the Simulation and Optimization Environment in the CPSWarm project.

All of these APIs are used to transfer messages between the components by integrating an XMPP client to connect with each other through the XMPP server to control the optimization progress, automatically publish their own presence status and backup the optimization status for optimization recovery. They can be divided into three main groups based on their functionalities.

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API Description Components involved Type of communication Data included
OptimizationStatusType Emulation of the possible status of the optimization process. It’s a field of the OptimizationStatus API, but also a field of OptimizationTaskStatus API Sent by a OT to the SOO through the OptimizationStatus message, or published by OT through its available presence when optimization status is changed Text message. Emulation:
  • None: unknown optimization process.
  • Started: Optimization is started, reply to the StartOptimization message
  • Running: Optimization is running.
  • ErrorOptimizationFaild: Optimization is failed in OT side due to unknown error
  • Cancelled: Optimization is cancelled by request from SOO
  • Complete: Optimization is completed successfully | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  1. eu.cpswarm.optimization.messages parameter optimization API1
  2. eu.cpswarm.optimization.statuses parameter optimization API2
  3. eu.cpswarm.optimization.parameters
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