Version 4.0.0 Initial Release
Version 4.0 "Stable" Relase
This is the initial version 4.0.0 "stable" release. Please see the blog post at for more details on why this official release was pushed.
What's Changed
- Fix: FadeTransition glitch by @topnik-code in #699
- Added Editor config by @LokiMidgard in #708
- Resolve relative paths for tileset sources in tiled map importer by @merthsoft in #713
- Fix ParticleEmitters always using same random seed by @mikeparker in #717
- Entity.Detach() method doesn't invoke EntityChanged until next Update of EntityManager #723 by @SjaakAlvarez in #724
- Update TiledMapLayerModelBuilder.cs by @kryzp in #721
- swaps EllipseF to use a struct, as well as implementing IEquatable, a⦠by @simonantonio in #718
- Include documentation in packages by @Apostolique in #733
- Replace Color.TransparentBlack with Color.Transparent by @Pizt0lmnk in #735
- Added a on put and on delete event on component mapper by @GrizzlyEnglish in #744
- Resolve relative path of texture in TextureAtlasJsonConverter by @merthsoft in #746
- add ability to configure layerdepth for autotriggered particleeffects by @codymanix in #756
- TryGetTile no longer returns a value if width is outside the map by @LokiMidgard in #755
- Fixed issue when GetState() call rewrites previous states. by @KRC2000 in #770
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.3 to 13.0.1 in /src/cs/MonoGame.Extended by @dependabot in #772
- Bump Newtonsoft.Json from 12.0.3 to 13.0.1 in /src/cs/MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline by @dependabot in #771
- Fixed return types absence. by @KRC2000 in #773
- Updated MonoGame Versions by @Emersont1 in #780
- Tiled: Support class attribute as alias for object types by @carlfriess in #776
- Fix rectangle transform by @toore in #787
- Fix crash at loading AnimationSprite on Android. by @garakutanokiseki in #782
- Rebuilt effects with mgfxc by @mattj1 in #789
- Improvement: enabled and ported tests to xunit by @toore in #785
- Add power of two values to MouseButton by @dezoitodemaio in #799
- Tiled parallax factor by @Gandifil in #801
- Bugfix null ptr on destroy by @k-u-s in #794
- OnCollision are called even after objects involved are moved and not intersecting by @toore in #795
- Fix bugs in SpriteSheetAnimation by @DavidFidge in #806
- Fix Bag allocation during foreach iteration by @LilithSilver in #814
- Create VelocityInterpolator by @slakedclay in #798
- Update GitHub Workflow to Automate Build, Test, and Package Deployment by @AristurtleDev in #822
- New collision 2023 by @Gandifil in #824
- Add constructor for CollisionComponent.cs by @Gandifil in #825
- Add support of "Collection of Images" tileset type. by @Gandifil in #827
- Add support of "Collection of Images" tileset type 2 by @Gandifil in #828
- Add support of "Collection of Images" tileset type 3 by @Gandifil in #829
- Add copy constructor for KeyboardListener. by @Gandifil in #831
- Revert "Add copy constructor for KeyboardListener." by @Gandifil in #832
- Rectanglef serializer by @Gandifil in #833
- Tweener enchanting by @Gandifil in #835
- Fix TweenTo by @Gandifil in #836
- Tweener enchancing3 by @Gandifil in #837
- Fixed HSL Lerp function by @Apllify in #834
- add support for class (nested) properties by @KatDevsGames in #817
- support type/class field in maps, layers, & tilemaps by @KatDevsGames in #818
- Update PrimitiveDrawing.cs by @Asthegor in #819
- Check for undefined layer and throw on collision actor insertion by @safoster88 in #839
- Add oriented rectangle shape for improved collision detection by @toore in #840
- Decrease allocation overhead on KeyboardStateExtended by @LilithSilver in #820
- Improve naming of WasKeyJustDown/Up and WasButtonJustDown/Up by @LilithSilver in #815
- Update Newtonsoft.Json.dll Dependency by @AristurtleDev in #854
- Resolves Infinite Recursion with Shape.Intersects(this IShapeF, IShapeF) by @AristurtleDev in #852
- Removing MyGet Feed Deploy by @AristurtleDev in #856
- Move build, benchmarks and tweening test into
directory by @AristurtleDev in #857 - Fixes incorrect rendering of flipped animation tiles by @tigurx in #846
- Reorginze project strcture by @AristurtleDev in #858
- Fix GitHub Nuget Push by @AristurtleDev in #859
- Remove GitHub Deploy by @AristurtleDev in #860
- Cleanup by @AristurtleDev in #862
- Removed patreon added aristurtledev by @AristurtleDev in #863
- Fix funding by @AristurtleDev in #864
- Use ArtifactsPath When Resolving dlls to pack with MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline by @AristurtleDev in #865
- Add additional input parameters by @AristurtleDev in #866
- Only specify source and prerelease by @AristurtleDev in #867
- Update prerelease version by @AristurtleDev in #868
- Replace Newtonsoft.Json with System.Text.Json by @AristurtleDev in #869
- Replace
by @AristurtleDev in #870 - Add Edge Test for
by @AristurtleDev in #871 - Replace
by @AristurtleDev in #872 - Rename
by @AristurtleDev in #873 - Remove
by @AristurtleDev in #874 - Remove
by @AristurtleDev in #875 - Unit Test
With Trailing Space by @AristurtleDev in #876 - Add unit test for
by @AristurtleDev in #877 - Implement Standard IDispose Pattern For Particles by @AristurtleDev in #879
- upgrade solution to VS2022 by @nkast in #880
- Remove unnecessary dependencies to SharpDX and Content.Pipeline from the core library by @nkast in #881
- use System ZLibStream by @nkast in #882
- Added changelog by @AristurtleDev in #883
- Make links for users by @AristurtleDev in #884
- Copy Reference DLLs from NuGet Automatically by @AristurtleDev in #885
- Updated Changelog by @AristurtleDev in #886
- Refactor
by @AristurtleDev in #887 - Updated ComponentManager to implement IEnumerable (#823) by @mbowersjr in #888
- Update Changelog by @AristurtleDev in #889
- Texture Atlas Refactor by @AristurtleDev in #890
- Kni.Extended by @nkast in #892
- Fna.Extended by @nkast in #893
- Sprite Rework by @AristurtleDev in #897
- Add Kni Package by @AristurtleDev in #898
- Capitalize KNI by @AristurtleDev in #899
- Resolves NullReferenceException When Getting Invalid Key From TiledMapProperties by @AristurtleDev in #903
- Fix
when reusing all returned items by @AristurtleDev in #904 - Moved MonoGame.Extended.Gui to its own repository by @AristurtleDev in #905
- Update animated sprite so the constructor api is similar to original MGE by @AristurtleDev in #906
- Add pitch support to Camera & OrthographicCamera by @jameskellie in #907
- Reorganization by @AristurtleDev in #909
- Merge Release into Develop by @AristurtleDev in #912
- Release/v4 by @AristurtleDev in #914
- Various fixes for the version 4 initial release by @AristurtleDev in #915
New Contributors
- @topnik-code made their first contribution in #699
- @LokiMidgard made their first contribution in #708
- @merthsoft made their first contribution in #713
- @mikeparker made their first contribution in #717
- @SjaakAlvarez made their first contribution in #724
- @kryzp made their first contribution in #721
- @simonantonio made their first contribution in #718
- @Apostolique made their first contribution in #733
- @Pizt0lmnk made their first contribution in #735
- @GrizzlyEnglish made their first contribution in #744
- @codymanix made their first contribution in #756
- @KRC2000 made their first contribution in #770
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #772
- @Emersont1 made their first contribution in #780
- @carlfriess made their first contribution in #776
- @toore made their first contribution in #787
- @garakutanokiseki made their first contribution in #782
- @mattj1 made their first contribution in #789
- @dezoitodemaio made their first contribution in #799
- @k-u-s made their first contribution in #794
- @DavidFidge made their first contribution in #806
- @LilithSilver made their first contribution in #814
- @slakedclay made their first contribution in #798
- @Apllify made their first contribution in #834
- @KatDevsGames made their first contribution in #817
- @Asthegor made their first contribution in #819
- @safoster88 made their first contribution in #839
- @tigurx made their first contribution in #846
- @nkast made their first contribution in #880
- @mbowersjr made their first contribution in #888
- @jameskellie made their first contribution in #907
Full Changelog: v3.8...v4.0.0