This is a long due update of the Tracking CTV. 7 packages were submitted this
round. The Tracking CTV now lists 59 tracking packages, including 3 core
packages: adehabitatLT
(documentation), and
4 newly submitted packages:
: Eye-Tracking Data Analysis (documentation)move2
: Processing and Analysing Animal Trajectories (documentation)tagtools
: Work with Data from High-Resolution Biologging Tags (documentation)triact
: Analyzing the Lying Behavior of Cows from Accelerometer Data
2 packages previously submitted and now passing CRAN checks:
: Fit Movement Models to Argos Data for Marine AnimalsRhabit
: Estimation of animal habitat selection using the Langevin movement model
2 packages previously submitted that were not tested before due to bugs in the Tracking CTV code:
: Re-routing paths that cross land around barrier polygons (documentation)RSP
: Refined Shortest Paths
3 packages that did not pass CRAN checks:
- MoveR: Fails examples and tests.
- hmmSSF: Various warnings and notes.
- movedesign: Various warnings and notes.
Check the links to the submission threads to find details for each package.
4 packages removed because they were archived or did not pass CRAN checks anymore:
: Archived on 2023-08-19 as email to the maintainer is undeliverable.migflow
: Package required but not available:maptools
: Archived on CRAN on 2023-07-11 as issues were not corrected in time.TrajDataMining
: Archived on CRAN on 2023-10-16 as requires archived package 'rgdal'.
Check the links to the submission threads to find details for each package.
Here is an update of the Tracking CTV! We had 16
submissions this round. The Tracking CTV now lists 55 tracking packages,
including 4 core packages:
, and
6 submitted packages were added successfully to the list this round:
: Acoustic Telemetry Data Analysis (documentation)eyelinker
: Import ASC Files from EyeLink Eye Trackers (documentation)gazepath
: Parse Eye-Tracking Data into Fixations (documentation)migflow
: Calculates the maximum flow through a network (documentation)mousetrap
: Process and Analyze Mouse-Tracking Data (documentation)track2KBA
: Identifying Important Areas from Animal Tracking Data (documentation)
1 submitted package was declined because it was archived on CRAN at the request of the maintainer
: Saccade and Fixation Detection in R
8 submitted packages did not pass the tests
: Barrier Behavior Analysis (BaBA)aniMotum
: Fit Continuous-Time State-Space and Latent Variable Models for Quality Control of Argos Satellite (and Other) Telemetry Data and for Estimating Changes in Animal Movementmousetrack
: Mouse-Tracking Measures from Trajectory DatanestR
: Estimation of Bird Nesting from Tracking Datapalmr
: Suite Of Functions For Manipulating Pressure, Activity, Magnetism, Temperature And Light Data In Rsmoove
: Simulation and Estimation of Correlated Velocity Movement (CVM) Modelsvmsbase
: GUI Tools to Process, Analyze and Plot Fisheries Data
You can check the links to the submission threads to find explanations and logs for each package.
4 packages have been removed from the list:
: does not pass checks anymoreanimalTrack
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2023-02-02).argosTrack
: does not pass checks anymoreBayesianAnimalTracker
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-06-08)BBMM
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-05-23)foieGras
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-12-12)mkde
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2022-04-25).
You can check the links to the removal threads to find explanations and logs for each package.
1 package has been added back to the CTV as it now passes CRAN checks:
Here is finally a long due overdue update of the Tracking CTV! We had 4
submissions this round. The Tracking CTV now lists 54 tracking packages,
including 4 core packages:
, and
3 submitted packages were added successfully to the list this round:
: Non-Parametric Bayesian Analyses of Animal Movement (documentation)gtfs2gps
: Converting Transport Data from GTFS Format to GPS-Like Records (documentation)sftrack
: Modern Classes for Tracking and Movement Data (documentation)
1 submitted package was deemed to not fit the current definition of a tracking package:
: Obtain, Organize, and Visualize NCEP Weather Data
You can check the links to the submission threads to find explanations for each package.
5 packages have been removed from the list:
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2021-11-14).GeoLight
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2021-11-14).rpostgisLT
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2020-08-31).SwimR
: no longer on Bioconductor (deprecated).VTrack
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2021-09-13).
You can check the links to the removal threads to find explanations and logs for each package.
We have completed our very first update! We had 8 submissions this round. The Tracking CTV now lists 56 tracking packages.
2 submitted packages were added successfully to the list this round:
3 submitted packages did not successfully pass CRAN checks (but will nevertheless be evaluated in future updates):
2 submitted packages were deemed to not fit the current definition of a tracking package:
You can check the links to the submission threads to find explanations for each package.
1 package has been removed from the CTV:
: no longer on CRAN (archived on 2020-07-14).
Initial version online, with 55 tracking packages. Check it out at: