Reporting and visualization tool for ExScaliburSMD and ExScaliburGMD
You should have R >=3.0.0 installed! In addition, the following packages are required:
- yaml (>= 2.1.13)
- shiny (>=0.11.1)
- shinythemes (>=1.0.1)
- ggplot2
- reshape2
- plyr
- tools
You will need to clone the ExScaliburViz repository:
git clone
ExScaliburViz runs in two modes: command line or loading through a source file.
$ ./ExScaliburVizCLI.R
[CRI] [INFO] [2015-04-01 15:44:58] - --------------------------------------------------------------
[CRI] [INFO] [2015-04-01 15:44:58] - ExScaliburViz.R - Dynamic reporting of ExScalibur Projects
[CRI] [INFO] [2015-04-01 15:44:58] - Kyle Hernandez, Center for Research Informatics, University of Chicago
[CRI] [INFO] [2015-04-01 15:44:58] - --------------------------------------------------------------
Usage: ExScaliburViz.R --config <config.yml> --type [SMD|GMD]
config The FULL path to the configuration YAML file (must be the full path!!)
type Either 'SMD' or 'GMD' depending on the type of ExScalibur pipeline
First, you need to open up an R instance. Then, you can follow this example code:
exdir <- "/Path/to/ExScaliburViz"
myYamlFile <- "/Path/to/reporter/project.yml"
# Load the Vizualizer
ExScaliburViz(myYamlFile, reporter.type = "GMD")