Welcome to Studay!
This is a website where you can create a list of homework, using it to manage, view and filter information and get ready for the student's routine.
In the homework information, you can find its title, description, deadline, priority, and also add some useful links for your work!
Is it a study day? Nah, it is Studay!
⚠️ Feel free to contact me, and share your feedback and insights, or report a bug!
Technologies | What I've Learned | Deploy
This project was made with the following technologies/libraries:
- Typescript
- React
- Tailwind-css
- Shadcn/ui
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- Vite
- Lucide
- Eslint
- Git & Github
During the development, I've discovered new things, such as:
- Better usage of Context API.
- Shadcn/ui + React Hook Form + Zod integration.
To check out the deploy, access https://studay-alpha.vercel.app/
Developed with 🧡 by Cristian Sbardelotto.