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File metadata and controls

132 lines (98 loc) · 4.8 KB





PHP implementation of various interfaces to post job offers to jobportals like careerbuilder, monster or FAZjob.NET

The services of this library are:

  • providing a consistent way to store data for an API

The advantages of this library are:

  • simplification for the application-code
  • boiling down the migration to xsl-files, which can be shared easely


Component Requirements, Constraints, and Acceptance Criteria

  • This must support various kinds of protocols: Soap, Mails, FTP
  • Thus must be able to assemble varying internal structure of the protocols (like HRXML for different portals)
  • This may support multi-layer protocols

Dependencies on Other Components

  • Zend_Soap_Client
  • libxml
  • expat-library

Theory of Operation

A data-object should contain all the information about a job. A XSL-Stylesheet transforms the data-object into a xml or json-file. The poster-object sends the file to a portal.

Class Index

  • Cross_JobPoster_Poster_CareerBuilder
  • Cross_JobPoster_Poster_Monster
  • Cross_JobPoster_Poster
  • Cross_JobPoster_Data_Careerbuilder
  • Cross_JobPoster_Data_Monster
  • Cross_JobPoster_Data_Abstract

Use Cases

Usage in the Controller:

  • call a poster-class
  • specify the connection-data (eq username, password) for the jobportal
  • set the transformation-protocol
  • call the data-class, which is specified to the Posterclass
  • fill the data-class with information
  • call the method in the poster-class, which will trigger the posting-process
     $data = new Cross_JobPoster_Data_Careerbuilder();
     $data->setRecruitername('Jenny Recruiter');
     // Sending the data-object to the API of the portal
     $op = new Cross_JobPoster_Poster_CareerBuilder();

class for preserving data:

  • basically this class is a container for all the data needed in the poster-protocol
  • this class can be extended for completing the data before transforming them by the XSL ** some date may contain individual values (like industry types or qualification), a direct transfer by code-based value-mapping proved to be more convenient than databases ** a derived class may complete some data from a database or another source

For every stored data, there can be a method for transforming this data, if the data is stored as 'setFoo' in the application, the data is preprocessed with the method 'preFoo' in the derived class.

     class Cross_JobPoster_Data_Careerbuilder extends Cross_JobPoster_Data
         protected function preAction($action) {
              return strtoupper($action);


The input data for the XSL is a XML based on a WDDL-serialisation.

class for posting the data:

The requirements do make it most likely necessary to deal with several functions with more than on parameter and different WSDL for every function. In the Poster-Class there is a method, which is calles immediatly after creating the object which will map the functions to xsl-file and a wsdl. The asteriks '*' is taken as default if nothing else matches. For the XLS-Pathes you can use keys, which is sometimes required in the SOAP-Functions.

class Cross_JobPoster_Poster_Careerbuilder extends Cross_JobPoster_Poster
    protected function init() {
            '*'                => array('sTGDID' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Cross/JobPoster/styleSheets/careerbuilderJobStatus.xsl'),
            'ProcessHRXMLJob'  => array('xmlJob' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Cross/JobPoster/styleSheets/careerbuilder.xsl'),
            'GetJobPostStatus' => array('sTGDID' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/Cross/JobPoster/styleSheets/careerbuilderJobStatus.xsl')
            '*'                => '',
            'ProcessHRXMLJob'  => '',
            'GetJobPostStatus' => ''

Class Skeletons

The structure for the data-class is designed by the getter-methods, ie unless we use magics, every information for a job-offer has an own getter to provide these information.