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C Thing Software cthing-projectversion

CI Maven Central javadoc

A version object for C Thing Software projects. This is a semantic version with additional build identification information. The additional information indicates the build type and whether the build is being performed by the C Thing Software Continuous Integration service or on a developer's machine. The following versioning scheme is used:

Build Environment Requested Build Type Actual Build Type Semantic Version
CTHING_CI undefined (i.e. developer build) snapshot snapshot n.n.n-0
CTHING_CI defined (i.e. CI build) snapshot snapshot n.n.n-t (t = ms since Unix Epoch)
CTHING_CI undefined release snapshot n.n.n-0
CTHING_CI defined release release n.n.n


The library is available from Maven Central using the following Maven dependency:


or the following Gradle dependency:


The typical usage of this class is to set the version in Gradle build files for C Thing Software projects.

import org.cthing.projectversion.BuildType
import org.cthing.projectversion.ProjectVersion
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
version = ProjectVersion("1.2.3", BuildType.snapshot)


The library is compiled for Java 17. If a Java 17 toolchain is not available, one will be downloaded.

Gradle is used to build the library:

./gradlew build

The Javadoc for the library can be generated by running:

./gradlew javadoc


This project is released on the Maven Central repository. Perform the following steps to create a release.

  • Commit all changes for the release
  • In the build.gradle.kts file
    • Ensure that baseVersion is set to the version for the release. The project follows semantic versioning.
    • Set isSnapshot to false
  • Commit the changes
  • Wait until CI builds the release candidate
  • Run the command mkrelease cthing-projectversion <version>
  • In a browser go to the Maven Central Repository Manager
  • Log in
  • Use the Staging Upload to upload the generated artifact bundle cthing-projectversion-bundle-<version>.jar
  • Click on Staging Repositories
  • Once it is enabled, press Release to release the artifacts to Maven Central
  • Log out
  • Wait for the new release to be available on Maven Central
  • In a browser, go to the project on GitHub
  • Generate a release with the tag <version>
  • In the build.gradle.kts file
    • Increment the baseVersion patch number
    • Set isSnapshot to true
  • Update the with the changes in the release and prepare for next release changes
  • Update the Usage section in the with the latest artifact release version
  • Commit these changes