this is a simple parabolic equation EM solver. It uses the parabolic equation approximation to simulate the propagation of EM waves in a medium with a changing index of refraction.
Currently it is designed to simulate propagation of waves beneath the ice and in the air on short-ish baselines.
2 n(z) profiles can be used: south pole, and taylor dome antarctica. These functional forms can be used as smooth n(z) profiles, or can be augmented with experimental data (for the south pole) and random density fluctuations (for the taylor dome site, data hopefully forthcoming) to simulate realistic RF propagation in the firn.
It is written in python (which i don't really speak), is new, and is being expanded, and will probably break a lot. email prohira.1 attt osu dottt edu with questions.
no installation, just clone the repo
cd into the repo directory and try:
python3 <frequency [GHz, keep it below 1]> <source depth [m]> <use density fluctiations? [0=no, 1=yes]>
and you should see a plot.