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94 lines (65 loc) · 2.67 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (65 loc) · 2.67 KB


Linux Mac
Linux macOS

Idntag is a command-line tool that identifies artist and song name in specified audio files and updates their ID3-tag meta-data with correct data, and renames the files on format Artist_Name-Track_Name.

Warning: This tool modifies and renames its input files. The quality of song identification is not perfect and may have some false detections. It is therefore recommended to first make a copy of the files to be identified, so there is a backup in case the results are not good.

Example Usage

$ idntag tests/song.mp3 
tests/song.mp3 : OK : tests/Broke_For_Free-Night_Owl.mp3
$ ls tests/
$ ffprobe tests/Broke_For_Free-Night_Owl.mp3 2>&1 | grep -e artist -e title
artist          : Broke For Free
title           : Night Owl

Supported Platforms

Idntag is developed and tested on Linux and macOS.


Pre-requisites Ubuntu:

sudo apt install git cmake mp3info python3-pip libtag1-dev libchromaprint-dev libchromaprint-tools ubuntu-restricted-extras ffmpeg

Pre-requisites Debian (incl. Debian-based like Raspbian):

sudo apt install git cmake mp3info python3-pip libtag1-dev libchromaprint-dev libchromaprint-tools ffmpeg

Pre-requisites Python:

pip3 install pyacoustid pytaglib

Download the source code:

git clone && cd idntag

Generate Makefile and build:

mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. && make -s

Optionally run tests:

ctest --output-on-failure

Optionally install in system:

sudo make install

Installation - Third-Party Packages

Disclaimer: The following packages are not maintained nor reviewed by the author of idntag.




General usage syntax:

idntag [-k] [-l] path [path ...]
idntag -h
idntag -v


path            path of a file or directory
-h, --help      show this help message and exit
-k, --keepname  keep original filename
-l, --uselib    use chromaprint lib instead of tools
-v, --version   show program's version number and exit


Idntag is distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file.


linux, macos, fingerprint, music, mp3, automatically tag.