This is the full demo of the talk about zheap. It is not a developer talk but more a DBA perspective about zheap. What is it good for and for what use cases you would probably stick with the current "heap" implementation.
To run the demo download the complete repository and then prepare the operating system and PostgreSQL installation. This demo is based on CentOS 7 so you will need to adjust the packages if you want to run it on Debian based or any other distribution.
sudo yum install -y gcc openldap-devel python-devel readline-devel redhat-lsb bison flex perl-ExtUtils-Embed zlib-devel crypto-utils openssl-devel pam-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel openssh-clients bzip2 net-tools wget screen unzip sysstat xorg-x11-xauth systemd-devel bash-completion cowsay
sudo groupadd postgres
sudo useradd -g postgres -m postgres
sudo mkdir -p /u01/app
sudo mkdir /u02
sudo chown postgres:postgres /u01/app
sudo chown postgres:postgres /u02
sudo su - postgres
git clone
cd zheap
/configure --prefix=${PGHOME}
make all
make install
cd contrib
make install
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/initdb -D /u02/pgdata/zheap
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/pg_ctl -D /u02/pgdata/zheap start
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/psql -c "alter system set logging_collector='on'" postgres
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/psql -c "alter system set log_truncate_on_rotation='on'" postgres
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/psql -c "alter system set log_filename='postgresql-%a.log'" postgres
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/psql -c "alter system set log_line_prefix='%m - %l - %p - %h - %u@%d '" postgres
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/psql -c "alter system set log_directory='pg_log'" postgres
/u01/app/postgres/product/zheap/db_1/bin/pg_ctl -D /u02/pgdata/zheap restart -m fast
Once this is done start the demo with (for displaying the pictures you will need X forwarding if you connect over ssh):
sudo su - postgres