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Create oracle user for Pyora

Danilo Chilene edited this page Dec 9, 2013 · 4 revisions
CREATE USER "ZABBIX" IDENTIFIED BY "password"; GRANT "CONNECT" TO "ZABBIX"; grant select on v_$instance to zabbix; grant select on v_$sysstat to zabbix; grant select on v_$session to zabbix; grant select on dba_free_space to zabbix; grant select on dba_data_files to zabbix; grant select on dba_tablespaces to zabbix; grant select on v_$log to zabbix; grant select on v_$archived_log to zabbix; grant select on v_$loghist to zabbix; grant select on v_$system_event to zabbix; grant select on v_$event_name to zabbix;
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