Name | Type | Description | Notes |
consecutive_characters_length | int | Specify the max length of consecutive characters(abcde...) that can be used in a password. If you set the value of this field to `0`, no restriction will be applied on consecutive characters. If you would like to set this restriction, you can specify a number between 4 and 8 that define the maximum allowed length for consecutive characters in a password. The max allowed length will be `n-1` where `n` refers to the value you provide for this field. For instance, if you provide `4` as the value, there can only be a maximum of `3` consecutive characters in a password(example: abc1x@8fdh). | [optional] |
have_special_character | bool | If the value of this field is set to `true`, the password must have at least one special character(!, @, #...). | [optional] |
minimum_password_length | int | Specify a minimum length for the password. The password length can be from a minimum of 9 characters, up to 14 characters. If you provide `0` as the value of this field, this field will be disabled and not be used and the basic password length requirement (minimum of 8 characters) will be applied for the requirement. | [optional] |
weak_enhance_detection | bool | If the value of this field is set to `true`, user passwords will have to pass detection through a weak password dictionary in case hackers use simple passwords to sign in to your users' accounts. | [optional] |