Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | [optional] | |
address | string | The registrant's address. | [optional] |
city | string | The registrant's city. | [optional] |
comments | string | The registrant's questions and comments. | [optional] |
country | string | The registrant's two-letter country code. | [optional] |
custom_questions | \Zoom\Api\Model\CustomQuestion[] | Information about custom questions. | [optional] |
string | The registrant's email address. See Email address display rules for return value details. | ||
first_name | string | The registrant's first name. | |
industry | string | The registrant's industry. | [optional] |
job_title | string | The registrant's job title. | [optional] |
last_name | string | The registrant's last name. | [optional] |
no_of_employees | string | The registrant's number of employees: * `1-20` * `21-50` * `51-100` * `101-250` * `251-500` * `501-1,000` * `1,001-5,000` * `5,001-10,000` * `More than 10,000` | [optional] |
org | string | The registrant's organization. | [optional] |
phone | string | The registrant's phone number. | [optional] |
purchasing_time_frame | string | The registrant's purchasing time frame: * `Within a month` * `1-3 months` * `4-6 months` * `More than 6 months` * `No timeframe` | [optional] |
role_in_purchase_process | string | The registrant's role in the purchase process: * `Decision Maker` * `Evaluator/Recommender` * `Influencer` * `Not involved` | [optional] |
state | string | The registrant's state or province. | [optional] |
status | string | The registrant's registration status: * `approved` — The registrant is approved to join the meeting. * `pending` — The registrant's registration is pending. * `denied` — The registrant was declined to join the meeting. | [optional] |
zip | string | The registrant's ZIP or postal code. | [optional] |
create_time | \DateTime | The registrant's registration date and time. | [optional] |
join_url | string | The URL with which the approved registrant can join the meeting. | [optional] |