Name | Type | Description | Notes |
calendar_id | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.check_in' and 'zoomroom.check_out' methods. This field is only required if Google Calendar is being used for the event associated with the Zoom Room. The value for this field can be retrieved by calling Google's CalendarList:list API and referring to the "id" field included in the calendarList resource. | [optional] |
change_key | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.check_in' and 'zoomroom.check_out' methods. This field is required only for Microsoft Exchange or Office 365 calendar. The change key represents the specific version of the calendar item and can be retrieved by using Microsoft's FindItem Operation and referring to the ChangeKey field of the ItemId Element included in the operation response.<br> | [optional] |
event_id | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.check_in' and 'zoomroom.check_out' methods and is required. Unique Identifier of the calendar event associated with the Zoom Room.<br><br>If the calendar integration being used is Microsoft Exchange, the value for this field can be retrieved by using Microsoft's FindItem Operation and referring to the Id field of the ItemId Element included in the operation response.<br><br>If the Google calendar integration was used for this event, the event_id can be retrieved by calling Google's Events:list API and referring to the "id" field included in the events resource. | [optional] |
resource_email | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.check_in' and 'zoomroom.check_out' methods. This field is only required for Microsoft Exchange / Office 365 Calendar. It is the resource mailbox associated with the calendar. | [optional] |
meeting_number | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_join' method and is required. The meeting's number. If the value of this field is provided, join the meeting. If the value of this field is not provided, start an instant meeting. | [optional] |
passcode | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_join' method. The passcode to join the meeting. | [optional] |
force_accept | bool | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_join' method. Whether to force a user to immediately join the meeting. If true, this forces the user to leave any current meetings and immediately join the meeting passed in the meeting_number value. | [optional] |
user_ids | string[] | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_join' method and is required. A comma-separated list of callee user IDs, up to a maximum of 10 callees. | [optional] |
meeting_topic | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_cancel' method and is required. The meeting's topic, up to 200 characters. | [optional] |
start_time | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_cancel' method and is required. The meeting's start time, in ISO date-time format. You can use time in 0 timezone, if you use this value with timezone, you must pass the timezone field. | [optional] |
duration | int | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_cancel' method and is required. The scheduled meeting duration, in minutes. | [optional] |
timezone | string | This field applies to the 'zoomroom.meeting_cancel' method. The meeting's timezone. This parameter is optional if the 'start_time' value includes a timezone offset. | [optional] |