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Extending the DAPHNE Distributed Runtime

This doc is about implementing and extending the distributed runtime. This focuses on helping the Daphne developer understand the building blocks of the distributed runtime, both of the Daphne coordinator as well as the Daphne distributed worker. If you want to learn how to execute Daphne scripts on the distributed runtime, please see here.


Distributed runtime works similar to the vectorized engine. Compiler passes create pipelines by merging multiple operations. This allows Daphne to split data across multiple workers (nodes) and let them execute a pipeline in parallel. Daphne distributed runtime code can be found at src/runtime/distributed where it is split into two main parts. The coordinator and the worker.

Daphne distributed runtime works on an hierarchical approach.

  1. Workers are not aware of the total execution. They handle a single task-pipeline and return outputs, one pipeline at a time.
  2. Workers are only aware of their chunk of data.


The coordinator is responsible for distributing data and broadcasting the IR code fragment, that is the task-pipeline. Each worker receives and compiles the IR optimizing it for it's local hardware. Coordinator code can be found at:


Distributed Wrapper

DistributedWrapper.h kernel contains the Distributed wrapper class which is the main entry point for a distributed pipeline on the coordinator:

void DistributedWrapper::execute(
                const char *mlirCode,       // The IR code fragment
                DT ***res,                  // An array of pipeline outputs
                const Structure **inputs,   // Array of pipeline inputs
                size_t numInputs,           // number of inputs
                size_t numOutputs,          // number of outputs
                int64_t *outRows,           // number of Rows for each pipeline output
                int64_t *outCols,           // number of Columns for each pipeline output
                VectorSplit *splits,        // Compiler hints on how each input should be split
                VectorCombine *combines)    // Compiler hints on how each output should be combined

Using the hints splits provided by the compiler we determine whether an input should be Distributed/Scattered (by rows or columns) or Broadcasted. Depending on which we call the corresponding kernel (Distribute.h or Broadcast.h, more below) which is then responsible for transferring data to the workers. DistributedCompute.h kernel is then called in order to broadcast the IR code fragment and start the actual computation. Finally, DistributedCollect.h kernel collects the final results (pipeline outputs).

Distribute.h, Broadcast.h, DistributedCompute.h and DistributedCollect.h similar to local runtime kernels use C++ template meta programming (more on how we utilize C++ templates on the local runtime here). Since Daphne supports many different distributed backends (e.g. gRPC, MPI, etc.) we can not provide a fully generic code that would work for all implementations. Thus we specialize each template for each distributed backend we want to support.

The Daphne developer can work on a new distributed backend by simply providing a new template specialization of these 4 kernels with a different distributed backend.

Distributed backends

Daphne supports multiple different devices (GPUs, distributed nodes, FPGAs etc.). Because of that all Daphne objects (e.g. matrices) require tracking where their data is stored. That is why each Daphne object contains meta data providing that information. Below you can see a list of all the different devices a Daphne object can be allocated to.

Please note that not all of them are supported yet and we might add more in the future.

enum class ALLOCATION_TYPE {
    FPGA_INT, // Intel
    FPGA_XLX, // Xilinx
    ONEAPI, // probably need separate ones for CPU/GPU/FPGA

As we described above, each kernel is partially specialized for each distributed backend. We specialize the templated distributed kernels for each distributed allocation type in the enum class shown above (e.g. DIST_GRPC).

Templated distributed kernels

Each kernel is responsible for two things.

  1. Handling the communication part. That is sending data to the workers.
  2. Updating the meta data. That is populating the meta data of an object which can then lead to reduced communication (if an object is already placed on nodes, we don't need to re-send it).

You can find more on meta data implementation here.

Below we see Broadcast.h templated kernel, along with it's gRPC specialization. DT is the type of the object being broadcasted.

// ****************************************************************************
// Struct for partial template specialization
// ****************************************************************************

// DT is object type
// AT is allocation type (distributed backend)
template<ALLOCATION_TYPE AT, class DT>
struct Broadcast {
    static void apply(DT *mat, bool isScalar, DCTX(dctx)) = delete;

// ****************************************************************************
// Convenience function
// ****************************************************************************

template<ALLOCATION_TYPE AT, class DT>
void broadcast(DT *&mat, bool isScalar, DCTX(dctx))
    Broadcast<AT, DT>::apply(mat, isScalar, dctx);

// ****************************************************************************
// (Partial) template specializations for different distributed backends
// ****************************************************************************

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

template<class DT>
    // Specific gRPC implementation...

So for example if we wanted to add broadcast support for MPI all we need to do is provide the partial template specialization of Broadcast kernel for MPI.

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MPI
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

template<class DT>
struct Broadcast<ALLOCATION_TYPE::DIST_MPI, DT> 
    // Specific MPI implementation...

For now selection of a distributed backend is hardcoded here.

Distributed Worker

Worker code can be found here:


WorkerImpl.h contains the WorkerImpl class which provides all the logic for the distributed worker. There are 3 important methods in this class:

  • The Store method, which stores an object in memory and returns an identifier.
  • The Compute method, which receives the IR code fragment along with identifier of inputs, computes the pipeline and returns identifiers of pipeline outputs.
  • And the Transfer method, which is used to return an object using an identifier.
 * @brief Stores a matrix at worker's memory
 * @param mat Structure * obj to store
 * @return StoredInfo Information regarding stored object (identifier, numRows, numCols)
StoredInfo Store(DT *mat) ;

 * @brief Computes a pipeline
 * @param outputs vector to populate with results of the pipeline (identifier, numRows/cols, etc.)
 * @param inputs vector with inputs of pipeline (identifiers to use, etc.)
 * @param mlirCode mlir code fragment
 * @return WorkerImpl::Status tells us if everything went fine, with an optional error message
Status Compute(vector<StoredInfo> *outputs, vector<StoredInfo> inputs, string mlirCode) ;

 * @brief Returns a matrix stored in worker's memory
 * @param storedInfo Information regarding stored object (identifier, numRows, numCols)
 * @return Structure* Returns object
Structure * Transfer(StoredInfo storedInfo);

The developer can provide an implementation for a distributed worker by deriving WorkerImpl class. The derived class handles all the communication using the preferred distributed backend and invokes the parent methods for the logic. You can find the gRPC implementation of the distributed worker here:


main.cpp is the entry point of the distributed worker. A distributed implementation is created using a pointer to the parent class WorkerImpl. The distributed node then blocks and waits for the coordinator to send a request by invoking the virtual method:

virtual void Wait() { };

Each distributed worker implementation needs to override this method and implement it in order to wait for requests.