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Kathy Walrath edited this page Jan 30, 2014 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the AngularDart Tutorial! Start here.

Also check out this list of resources.

Chapter Briefly Includes
Before You Begin Prerequisites Links to downloads
Welcome to Angular Overview Angular, MVC, AngularJS, API docs
1: Creating Your First Angular app A "Hello World" app ng-app, ngBootstrap(), MVC, mustache syntax ({{...}}), Angular expressions, data binding
2: Building Something More than "Hello World" A Recipe Book app Scopes, models, controllers, NgController, type(), common properties (selector, publishAs), ng-repeat, ng-click
3: Creating a Custom Component A rating component for Recipe Book NgComponent, properties (selector & publishAs again, templateUrl, cssUrl), NgAttr, NgOneWay, NgTwoWay, component vs. controller, ng-if, ng-class
4: Creating a Custom Directive Tooltips for Recipe Book NgDirective, custom element attributes, DOM manipulation, table comparing NgController & NgDirective & NgComponent
5: Introducing Filters and Services Filtering recipes by category, fetching data Built-in and custom filters, the Http service, displaying a "Loading..." message, ng-cloak
6: Creating Views Reorganizing the app, customizing URLs App structure, view-specific components, changing the app URL, Router, ViewFactory, addRoute(), ng-view
7: Deploying Your App (Draft version) Minification, @MirrorsUsed, performance, code generation, cross-browser support
