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Kathy Walrath edited this page Jan 22, 2014 · 27 revisions

Welcome to the AngularDart Tutorial! Start here.

Chapter Briefly Includes
Before You Begin Prerequisites Links to downloads
Welcome to Angular Overview Angular, MVC, AngularJS, API docs
1: Creating Your First Angular app A "Hello World" app ng-app, ngBootstrap(), MVC, mustache syntax ({{...}}), Angular expressions, data binding
2: Building Something More than "Hello World" A Recipe Book app Scopes, models, controllers, NgController, type(), common properties (selector, publishAs), ng-repeat, ng-click
3: Creating a Custom Component A rating component for Recipe Book NgComponent, properties (selector & publishAs again, templateUrl, cssUrl, map), component vs. controller, ng-if, ng-class
4: Creating Custom Mixins for Elements Tooltips for Recipe Book NgDirective, custom element attributes, DOM manipulation, table comparing NgController & NgDirective & NgComponent
5: Introducing Filters and Services Filtering recipes by category, fetching data Built-in and custom filters, the Http service, displaying a "Loading..." message, ng-cloak
6: Creating Views Reorganizing the app, customizing URLs App structure, view-specific components, changing the app URL, Router, ViewFactory, addRoute(), ng-view
7: Deploying Your App (Draft version, likely broken) Minification, @MirrorsUsed, performance, code generation, cross-browser support
