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/ RPiMS Public

Raspberry Pi monitoring system offering: live video transmission recording the stream using UV4L, reading door, window, motion, temperature, humidity, pressure sensors, presentation of their values and sending their states to the Zabbix server. It also offers a weather station: wind speed and direction meter, rainfall meter


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RPiMS is Raspberry Pi based Monitoring System.

Supports sensor like door/window sensor, motion sensor, water sensor, smoke sensor, light sensors.

Suppports I2C temperature, humidity and preassure BME280 sensors, and 1-wire DS18B20 temperature sensors.

Supports UV4L Video Streaming Server and video recording from picamera.

Supports wind speed meter, wind direction meter, rainfall meter.



Sensors are polled and measured values are saved to Redis database periodically.

The Zabbix Agent periodicaly pull temperature,humidity and pressure sensor data from redis db and send to Zabbix Server.

When any of the doors sensors opens or closed then a message will be sent to the Zabbix server.

When the motion sensor detects motion a message will be sent to Zabbix server.

When any of the doors senors is opened, a video sequence will be recorded.

Video stream will be turned on automaticly when use picamera sensor are set to enable in setup.


Installing operating system images

Download the image Raspberry Pi OS (Legacy, 32-bit) Lite - a port of Debian Bullseye.

To writing an image to the SD card, use Imager.

Run installation script

Running the following command will download and run the script.

curl -sS | sudo bash


curl -sSL | sudo bash


RPiMS setup

login: admin

password: admin


to change password type from CLI

htpasswd -b  /var/www/html/conf/.htpasswd admin newpassword

Start/Stop RPIMS

sudo systemctl start rpims.service
sudo systemclt stop rpims.service


You need to import this templates into Zabbix:

In rpims_zabbix_template.xml template, the appropriate zabbix triggers for the temperature, humidity and door sensors are configured. Door sensor triggering is pre-configured for GPIO_20, GPIO_21 only, if you need more, please do trigger clone. RPiMS ( uses to activate the appropriate triggers in zabbix for the door sensors.

Main page


Known issues

  • After changing "RPiMS hostname" it is necessary to reboot Raspberry Pi OS for proper operation of zabbix-agent.

Hardware setup - Raspberry Pi

  • Temperature, Humidity, Pressure Sensor BME280 - i2C on RPi

RPi  [VCC 3V3 Pin 1] ----------------------------- [VCC]  BME280
RPi   [GPIO.2 Pin 3] ----------------------------- [SDA]  BME280
RPi   [GPIO.3 Pin 5] ----------------------------- [SDC]  BME280
RPi    [GND - Pin 9] ----------------------------- [GND]  BME280
  • Temperature, Humidity, Pressure Sensor BME280 - i2C on RPi Pico

If you want to use BME280 sensor on long cable, copy two files and from pico directory, to RPi Pico.

Connect the BME280 sensor to the i2C RPi Pico port:

RPi Pico  [GP22 Pin 29]------------------------------ [VCC]  BME280
RPi Pico  [GP16 Pin 21] ----------------------------- [SDA]  BME280
RPi Pico  [GP17 Pin 22] ----------------------------- [SDC]  BME280
RPi Pico  [3v3  Pin 36] ----------------------------- [CS]   BME280
RPi Pico  [GND  Pin 23] ----------------------------- [GND]  BME280

Connect the RPi with the RPi Pico together with the USB cable.

BME280 [i2c] <-- 4 wire cable --> [i2C] Raspberry Pi Pico [USB] <-- USB cable -->  Raspberry Pi [USB]

Select USB port number in RPiMS configuration for the BME280 sensor. USB PORTS

  • DS18B20 Temperature sensor

RPi   [VCC 3V3 Pin 1] -----------------------------  [VCC]    DS18B20
                                               /   R1 = 4k7
RPi  [GPIO.4 - Pin 7] ----------------------------- [DATA]   DS18B20

RPi     [GND - Pin 9] ----------------------------- [GND]    DS18B20
  • Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11/DHT22/AM2302 (NOT RECOMMENDED, UNSTABLE MEASUREMENTS)

RPi  [VCC 3V3 - Pin 1] -----------------------------  [VCC]    DHT22
                                               /   R1 = 4k7
RPi  [GPIO.17 - Pin 11] ----------------------------- [DATA]   DHT22

RPi      [GND - Pin 9] ----------------------------- [GND]    DHT22

I recommend using a level shifter and Vcc = 5V

RPi  [VCC 5V - Pin 2] --- [HV] - LEVEL SHIFTER --------------- [VCC]    DHT22
                                                          /   R1 = 4k7
RPi  [GPIO.17 - Pin 11] - [A1] - LEVEL SHIFTER - [B1]--------- [DATA]   DHT22
RPi  [VCC 3V3 - Pin 1] -- [LV] - LEVEL SHIFTER
RPi      [GND - Pin 9] ---[GND] - LEVEL SHIFTER -------------- [GND]    DHT22
  • Oled i2C Display

RPi  [VCC 3V3 pin 1] ----------------------------- [VCC]  Display
RPi   [GPIO.2 pin 3] ----------------------------- [SDA]  Display
RPi   [GPIO.3 pin 5] ----------------------------- [SDC]  Display
RPi    [GND - pin 9] ----------------------------- [GND]  Display
  • TFT SPI Display

RPi  [VCC 3V3 pin 1] ----------------------------- [VCC]  Display
RPi  [P11/SCLK] ---------------------------------- [SCLK]  Display
RPi  [P10/MOS] ----------------------------------- [SDC]  Display
RPi  [P8/CE0] ------------------------------------ [CS]  Display
RPi  [P25] --------------------------------------- [Data/Command control] Display
RPi  [P27] --------------------------------------- [Reset] Display
RPi  [P24] --------------------------------------- [Backlight] Display
RPi  [GND - pin 9] ------------------------------- [GND] Display
  • Hardware Clock

RPi  [VCC 3V3 pin 1] ----------------------------- [VCC]  DS3231
RPi   [GPIO.2 pin 3] ----------------------------- [SDA]  DS3231
RPi   [GPIO.3 pin 5] ----------------------------- [SDC]  DS3231
  • Door/Window Sensors it is potential-free sensors like button.
  • Motion Sensors it is digital sensors with binary output signal (3.3V).

B.o.M - Bill of Materials

  • BME280 - 1-3 pcs
  • DS18B20 - 1 pcs or more (or DS18S20)
  • Resistor 4k7 (for DS18B20 sensor) - 1 psc
  • DHT11/DHT22/AM2302 - 1 pcs
  • Door/window sensor - 1 or more pcs
  • Motion Sensor - 1 or more pcs
  • PiCamera - 1 pcs
  • PiCamera Case - 1pcs
  • Power Adapter (5V/2.5A or 5V1/3A for RPi4) - 1 pcs
  • Rapsberry Pi - 1 pcs
  • Raspberri Pi Case - 1 pcs
  • Raspberry Pico - 1-3 pcs
  • Sensor case for Pico and BME280 - 1-3 pcs
  • RTC DS3231 I2C - 1 pcs
  • LCD OLED 1,3" I2C SH1106 or 1.44" lcd_st7735 - 1 pcs
  • Weather Meter Kit - 1 pcs
  • ADC(STM32F030) or Pimoroni AutomationHat- 1pcs


  • Waveshare OLED 1,3'' 128x64px SPI/I2C or Waveshare TFT 1,44'' 128x128px SPI - 1 pcs
  • ITALTRONIC 25.0410000.RP3 - 1 pcs
  • Male Headers 1x40 raster 2,54mm angle - 2 pcs

Usefull links

Configure if you have RTC (DS3231 I2C)

  1. I2C interface should be enabled.
sudo raspi-config

Select Advaced Options -> I2C ->

  1. Edit the configuration file to add a new device.
sudo vi /boot/config.txt

Add a new RTC device DS3231 to the device tree


Reboot to take effect. About Device Tree, see: cat /boot/overlay/README

sudo reboot
  1. Read the Hardware Clock.
sudo hwclock -r

Read the system time:

  1. Set the Hardware Clock to the time given by the --date option.
sudo hwclock --set --date="Aug-22-2019 08:29:00"
  1. Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock.
sudo hwclock -s
  1. Read the RTC and system times.
sudo hwclock -r; date

Remove fake-hwclock

sudo apt-get -y remove fake-hwclock

sudo update-rc.d -f fake-hwclock remove

sudo systemctl disable fake-hwclock 

sudo update-rc.d enable

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Add the following lines to the file: /etc/rc.local

sudo nano /etc/rc.local 

Add this commnads

sudo hwclock -s


Just before the exit 0

Restart your Pi and check the I2C state again with i2cdetect -y 1 to the RTC address is not UU anymore.

sudo sync
sudo reboot

Configuration testing I2C devices

sudo apt-get install i2c-tools

Optionally, to improve permformance, increase the I2C baudrate from the default of 100KHz to 400KHz by altering /boot/config.txt to include:


Next check that the device is communicating properly.

$ i2cdetect -y 1
       0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
  00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3c -- -- --
  40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
  70: -- -- -- -- -- -- 76 --

Configuration testing picamera

sudo systemctl stop rpims

raspivid -o test.h264

raspistill -o test.jpg

sudo systemctl start rpims


Configuration testing zabbix-agent

sudo apt-get  install zabbix-proxy-sqlite3

Testing Cpu temperature sensor

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.cputemp[2] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing first DS18B20 temperature sensor

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.ds18b20[2] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing second DS18B20 temperature sensor

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.ds18b20[4] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing id1 BME280 sensor on i2C

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id1_bme280[2] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id1_bme280[4] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id1_bme280[6] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing id2 BME280 sensor on USB port

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id2_bme280[2] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id2_bme280[4] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id2_bme280[6] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing id3 BME280 sensor on USB port

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id3_bme280[2] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id3_bme280[4] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.id3_bme280[6] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing DHT sensors

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.dht[2] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

sudo zabbix_get -s -k rpims.dht[4] --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk

Testing Cpu load

zabbix_get -s -k "system.cpu.load[all,avg1]" --tls-connect=psk --tls-psk-identity="$(awk -F\= '/TLSPSKIdentity/ {print $2}' /var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf)" --tls-psk-file=/var/www/html/conf/zabbix_agentd.psk


Raspberry Pi monitoring system offering: live video transmission recording the stream using UV4L, reading door, window, motion, temperature, humidity, pressure sensors, presentation of their values and sending their states to the Zabbix server. It also offers a weather station: wind speed and direction meter, rainfall meter








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