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254 lines (205 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

254 lines (205 loc) · 11.4 KB


The database as in connection string of the default conf.json field db, postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/trydatasets is trydatasets... Or change conf.json to your needs, the URI-template syntax is postgresql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{dbName}, ommiting user, password, port or dbName if your ENV is supplying it.

To create a pt-BR database, connect psql with no database and run the script:

psql postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost
   WITH OWNER = postgres
        ENCODING = 'UTF8'
        TABLESPACE = pg_default
        LC_COLLATE = 'pt_BR.UTF-8'
        LC_CTYPE = 'pt_BR.UTF-8'
        TEMPLATE template0;

To create a new src/cache/ afer edit conf.json use

php src/php/pack2sql.php
sh src/cache/

after edit conj.json.

The dataset.big structure

The dataset.big and dataset.meta tables are defined in the step2-strut.sql file as below:

CREATE TABLE dataset.meta (
	id serial PRIMARY KEY,
	namespace NOT NULL text DEFAULT '',  --  empty namespace is the main one, like 'public'
	name text NOT NULL, -- original dataset name or filename of the CSV

  is_canonic BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- for canonic or "reference datasets"
  sametypes_as text,  -- pointing to a kx_urn of its is_canonic-dataset, need same kx_types. For merge or UNION
	projection_of text, -- pointing to a kx_urn of its is_canonic-dataset, need map same(kx_name->kx_types).

	-- Cache fields generated by UPDATE or trigger.
	kx_uname text, -- the normalized name, used for  dataset.meta_id() and SQL-View labels
	kx_urn text,   -- the transparent ID for this dataset.  "$namespace:$kx_uname".
	kx_fields text[], -- field names as in info.
	kx_types text[],  -- field JSON-datatypes as in info.

	info JSONb -- all metadata (information) here!
CREATE TABLE dataset.big (
  id bigserial not null primary key,
  source int NOT NULL REFERENCES dataset.meta(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, -- Dataset ID and metadata.
  key text,  -- Optional. Dataset primary key (converted to text).
  c JSONb CHECK(jsonb_array_length(c)>0), -- All dataset columns here, as exact copy of CSV line!

it is builded into the database when you run

The generated code

When running the generator (eg. by php src/php/pack2sql.php) you will crete two files in the /src/cache folder, the and step3-buildDatasets.sql. The last is the main and a standard SQL script.

Lets use the language-codes.csv example, that is configured by the demo's conf.json, is a dataset of language-codes. The dataset importer of its structure is

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE tmpcsv_language_codes (
 alpha2 text,
 english text
 ) SERVER csv_files OPTIONS (
    filename '/tmp/tmpcsv/language_codes.csv',
    format 'csv',
    header 'true'

You can use only it, while the /tmp/tmpcsv/language_codes.csv file is there (the generates it), as "no table", is a direct CSV reader.

But if you want to preserve it in the database, you'll like to transfer it to the dataset.big table, and all informations of the original datapackage.json to the dataset.meta table. So the gerator do it for you:

INSERT INTO dataset.meta(name,info) VALUES
pe":"text/csv","schema":{"fields":[{"name":"alpha2","description":"2 letter alpha-2 code","type":"string"},{"name":"English","description":"Eng
lish name of language","type":"string"}]}}'::jsonb)
INSERT INTO dataset.big(source, c)
  SELECT dataset.meta_id('language_codes') , jsonb_build_array( alpha2, english   )
  FROM tmpcsv_language_codes

To simplify the access to the dataset via usual SELECT SQL clause, the generator also create a VIEW, translating each field name and datatype to the most adequate to PostgreSQL:

CREATE VIEW dataset.vw_language_codes AS
  SELECT (c->>0)::text AS alpha2, (c->>1)::text AS english
  FROM dataset.big
  WHERE source=dataset.meta_id('language_codes') ORDER BY id;

As this isertions and VIEW creations was doed, you can DROP the tmpcsv_language_codes FOREIGN TABLE, because you have an exact copy of it into the dataset.big table, named language_codes (source-ID 1) and with a view dataset.vw_language_codes. To drop all foregin tables use DROP SERVER csv_files CASCADE (and to remove from '/tmp' use rm -r /tmp/tmpcsv).


Reproducing some demo results.

SELECT * FROM dataset.vmeta_summary

id uname pkey lang n_fields
1 language_codes 2
2 language_codes_3b2 3
3 language_codes_full 5
4 ietf_language_tags 7
5 country_codes 56
6 br_state_codes "id" en 15
7 br_city_synonyms ["state", "lexLabel", "synonym"] pt 5
8 br_city_codes ["state", "lexLabel"] pt 9

SELECT * FROM dataset.vmeta_fields

id uname field_name field_type field_desc
1 language_codes alpha2 string 2 letter alpha-2 code
1 language_codes English string English name of language
2 language_codes_3b2 alpha3-b string 3 letter alpha-3 bibliographic code
2 language_codes_3b2 alpha2 string 2 letter alpha-2 code
2 language_codes_3b2 English string English name of language
3 language_codes_full alpha3-b string 3 letter alpha-3 bibliographic code
3 language_codes_full alpha3-t string 3 letter alpha-3 terminologic code (when given)
3 language_codes_full alpha2 string 2 letter alpha-2 code (when given)
... ... ... ... ...
8 br_city_codes creation integer State official creation year
8 br_city_codes extinction integer State official creation year (null for in use)
8 br_city_codes postalCode_ranges string Numeric ranges of postal codes
8 br_city_codes notes string Notes about assegments, dates or changes

SELECT jsonb_pretty(jsonb_agg(jmeta_fields))
FROM dataset.vjmeta_fields WHERE dataset_id IN (1,3)
      "dataset": {
          "id": 1,
          "uname": "language_codes"
      "fields": [
              "field_desc": "2 letter alpha-2 code",
              "field_name": "alpha2",
              "field_type": "string"
              "field_desc": "English name of language",
              "field_name": "English",
              "field_type": "string"
    { "datasets": "...", "fields": "..."}

SELECT i.lang, i.defs, substring(l.english,1,30) as lang_name, c.official_name_en as contry_name
FROM dataset.vw_ietf_language_tags i INNER JOIN dataset.vw_country_codes c
  ON c.iso3166_1_alpha_2=i.territory INNER JOIN dataset.vw_language_codes l
  ON i.langtype=l.alpha2
lang defs lang_name contry_name
af-NA 2 Afrikaans Namibia
af-ZA 0 Afrikaans South Africa
ak-GH 0 Akan Ghana
am-ET 0 Amharic Ethiopia
ar-AE 3 Arabic United Arab Emirates
ar-BH 0 Arabic Bahrain
ar-DJ 1 Arabic Djibouti
ar-DZ 2 Arabic Algeria
ar-EG 1 Arabic Egypt
... ... ... ...
hi-IN 0 Hindi India
hr-BA 2 Croatian Bosnia and Herzegovina
hr-HR 0 Croatian Croatia
hu-HU 0 Hungarian Hungary
hy-AM 0 Armenian Armenia
id-ID 0 Indonesian Indonesia
ig-NG 0 Igbo Nigeria
ii-CN 0 Sichuan Yi; Nuosu China
is-IS 0 Icelandic Iceland
it-CH 3 Italian Switzerland
it-IT 0 Italian Italy
it-SM 0 Italian San Marino
it-VA 0 Italian Holy See
ja-JP 0 Japanese Japan
... ... ... ...
zh-Hant-HK 8 Chinese China, Hong Kong Sp. Adm. Reg.
zh-Hant-MO 1 Chinese China, Macao Sp. Adm. Reg.
zh-Hant-TW 0 Chinese
zu-ZA 0 Zulu South Africa

See datasets as diagrams

Conventions with yUML:



So the our conf.json can offer also initial [datasetName|-pk_field1:type;field2:type;...] definitions to use with it. Set the useYUml flag to true.

Example of handicraft diagram builded from automatic source-code of definitions.

// Script generated by datapackage.json files and pack2sql generator.
// Created in 2017-11-05

// (original changed to add PKs and FK-references)

[country-codes|official_name_en:string;-iso3166_1_alpha_2:string; iso3166_1_alpha_3:string; iso3166_1_numeric:string; is_independent:string]




// Relationships are handicrafted