This package implements the virtues of Every Page is Page One, which are for information topics to conform to a type, stay on one level and to link richly. EPPO formalizes a way to add information to your knowledge base as topics.
→ Use Cases Documentation1
→ Custom Cypress Commands1
Manage (add/edit/delete) information by EPPO topic type forms
fill in title, blurb, free text, dynamic properties and topic type-specific properties -
Manage EPPO topic types
- define topic type-specific properties
- use templates, mainlyTopicMetaTemplate
View an EPPO topic's instances at
Simplify managing the forms that manage topics, e.g.
has this wikitext:{{{info|add title=New YourTopicType|edit title=Edit YourTopicType|page name=C<unique number;random;10>}}} {{FormHeader|YourTopicType}} {{StandardFormSections}} {{FormFooter|YourTopicType}}
$wgPageFormsLinkAllRedLinksToForms = true;
- Consider automating the addition of a new EPPO topic type (#LEX2206031136)
1 Created by