Prove that if A
is hopelessly egocentric, then for every bird x
, so is A(x)
Suppose A
is hopelessly egocentric. We've already proved that, for any birds x
and y
, A(x)(y) === A
. We also know that A(x) === A
, simply because of A
's hopeless egocentricity. Since they're both equal to A
, A(x)(y)
and A(x)
are equivalent. And, if A(x)(y) === A(x)
, A(x)
is hopelessly egocentric.
Smullyan's solution here seems unnecessarily complicated. From A
's hopeless egocentricity, we already know that A(x)
is equal to A
, and we already know that A
is hopelessly egocentric. Why get y