All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Config option added: ckanext.downloadall.dataset_fields_to_add_to_datapackage for including custom fields from the dataset in the datapackage.json
- Fixed home page exception KeyError: 'resources'
- Command-line interface.
- Schema added to the datapackage.json if a resource's Data Dictionary is completed.
- Dependencies moved to's install_requires, for convenience during install.
- Fixed exception when non-download-all jobs are put on the CKAN background task queue.
- Fixed position of the "Download all" button to avoid overlapping bottom edge when no dataset.notes.
- Zip resource is not now shown in the sidebar resources on the resource preview page.
- Zip format is not now shown in the search facets for the Download All zip.
- Fix updating the zip when changes are made to the core dataset metadata (e.g. dataset title).
- Generates a zip when a resource URL changes
- Zip contains resources and basic datapackage.json
- 'Download all' button placed on the dataset page