Crowducate is an open education platform. The crowd creates courses (any subject is welcome) together which are interactive and fun. Democratize education. Enjoy education.

We are currently building the 1.0 version of Crowducate. You can download and try the 1.0 Alpha version.
If you would like to contribute to the development efforts, please checkout our development branch.
- Download the most recent 1.x release
- Extract the archive file to a location on your computer
- Change to the extracted directory in your console
- Type
to start the server - Test and let us know your thoughts :-)
The Crowducate platform is based on MeteorJS. So, if you want to run it locally:
- Install MeteorJS
- Install Meteorite
- Clone Crowducate:
git clone
- Change to Crowducate directory:
- Run
mrt install
Note: The development branch works with Meteor 1.x.
That’s it!
*Note: * Don't update meteor. The current version only works with Meteor 0.83
We have an open Hackpad discussion where we are planning the future of Crowducate. Come and add your opinion, expertise, and vision!
Crowducate is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (GNU AGPL). We chose the GNU AGPL as it fosters and protects an open knowledge ecosystem, which is essential for an open education project. You can follow the licensing discussion on the Crowducate blog.
There are many ways to get involved:
- View, and contribute to, the Crowducate Roadmap
- Add a task to our Github issue queue
- Send a pull request with your custom code! :-)
Bear in mind, we are in early alpha. For more info read this blog post.