Runs packer validate *.json
on pull request to validate the syntax and configuration of a template file in a directory
If the validation fails, it will print out error as pull request comment.
Check out the packer validate command for further reference.
: Working directoryTEMPLATE_FILE_NAME
: Packer template fileACTION_COMMENT
: Enable/Disable PR comment from validate result
workflow "Packer" {
resolves = "packer-validate"
on = "pull_request"
action "filter-open-synced-pr" {
uses = "actions/bin/filter@master"
args = "action 'opened|synchronize'"
### For single template (eg. Dockers dir contains *.json template)
action "packer-validate" {
uses = "dawitnida/packer-github-actions/validate@master"
needs = "filter-open-synced-pr"
secrets = [
env = {
### For specific template file (eg. Dockers dir contains *.json template)
action "packer-validate" {
uses = "dawitnida/packer-github-actions/validate@master"
needs = "filter-open-synced-pr"
secrets = [
env = {
TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "sample-packer-template.json"
### For specific template file (eg. sample-packer-template.json) with var-file arg
action "packer-validate" {
uses = "dawitnida/packer-github-actions/validate@master"
needs = "filter-open-synced-pr"
secrets = [
args = [
env = {
TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "sample-packer-template.json"